Literary Agent
Q280 women's fiction. synopsis is confusing and contradicts itself. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q279 YA hist fiction, but actual famous author as young man. It sounded cool, I wanted to love it, but it felt a bit dry. :( #500queries
Literary Agent
Q278 WF set in SW, doesn't feel fresh or exciting. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q277 is an honest to goodness fun cozy. Request. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q276 quirky novel about someone with (undeveloped) conjoined twin. I am screaming inside. Sorry, I have a thing about them. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q275 YA mystery, writing not great. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q274 WF w/fantasy elements, Appalachia. Potential but not my taste. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q273 WF the query letter is overanalytical, synopsis juicier, but prose is v. psychological, in character's head. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q272 New adult. Starts with descrip of the house/apt's layout and furnishings, then protag on the toilet. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q271 thriller, but on page 5 and nothing's happened yet. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Passed on some fantasy, erotic romance, sexually twisted thriller, hist. fiction, political thrillers. These aren't for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q270 WF, "inspired by" 1 of my favorite novels. Feels like imitation, something I've seen before and done better, alas. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q269 thriller, lots of sexual violence, torture. too dark for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q268 romance, but also has protag's dad killed by her mom. what?!! Don't rep romance. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q267 Noah's Ark crossed with Canterbury Tales, in verse, for YA/NA. And it's a series. So wrong for me in so many ways. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q266 I think it's memoir, but it's unclear. Not special. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q265 addressed to a bunch of other agents, begins with a harangue. also not my kind of fiction. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q264 dream world with talking animals and shifting realities. Not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q263 thriller with religious and paranormal elements. Those aren't for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q262 literary fiction. Author's 1st language isn't English and the prose is very jumbled, unfortunately. #500queries