Literary Agent
12. YA Magical Realism. This one sounds GOOD. The pitch is filled with mystery – definitely makes me want to read the story. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
11. MG Fantasy. I've read (and passed on) this one before, but the writer doesn't seem to remember... #100QueriesSometimes it's ok to re-query (significant changes, wish list update, etc.), but acknowledge the previous submission & explain. #100Queries

Literary Agent
11. MG Fantasy. I've read (and passed on) this one before, but the writer doesn't seem to remember... #100Queries

Literary Agent
10. MG Fantasy. Again, nothing new is jumping out at me in this pitch. #100Queries

Literary Agent
9. Women's Fiction. Which I don't rep. (Try @carlywatters for that though!) #100Queries

Literary Agent
8. Picture Book. Concept isn't anything new & I don't love the art so it'll have to be a pass. #100Queries

Literary Agent
7. No genre or category included & the query is written from the POV of a character. (Don't do that. I want to hear from YOU.) #100Queries

Literary Agent
Tia Bearden @tiabearden
@MsMariaVicente so in this case is it a no?Oh yeah. Not enough info for me to know what the story's about so I don't even know if I would want to read it. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Melanie Kyer @fraudrk
@MsMariaVicente Speaking as a respectfully curious neophyte, isn't a #PB different since you have the whole text of the ms anyway?This query didn't have the text included! #100Queries

Literary Agent
6. This one is pitched as nonfiction, but then explained like it has a narrative, so I'm just confused. 🤔

Literary Agent
5. Nonfiction. Not a topic I'm interested in & I really need to love a nonfiction topic to work with the author on a proposal. #100Queries

Literary Agent
4. YA Fantasy. This concept sounds a lot more like middle grade than young adult. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Kristi McManus @unrealismbooks
@MsMariaVicente what is a good lengthMIt varies. Usually when it's too short, there's next to nothing explained. That query only had 2 lines. #100Queries

Literary Agent
3. Picture Book. Query focuses on the reason behind the story rather than the story. I want to know what the book is about! #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
2. MG Sci-Fi. Not reading anything in the pitch that sounds new. Feels like I've read this story a million times before. #100QueriesAgents want to know what makes your story unique! What sets it apart from other books? That's the key to a great pitch. #100Queries

Literary Agent
2. MG Sci-Fi. Not reading anything in the pitch that sounds new. Feels like I've read this story a million times before. #100Queries

Literary Agent
1. YA Fantasy. Great intro: personalized, genre, word count, hook. All things I want to see! But the pitch is waaaaay too short. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
Starting #100Queries in 10-ish minutes (just need to get a coffee first). Sharing my thoughts on 20 queries addressed specifically to me.Sometimes I have to be vague – sorry! I'll give as many details as I can without sharing identifying info. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
I'm going to do another round of #100Queries next week! I'll get to catch up on query letters & you'll get a taste of the query inbox.I'll share some details & thoughts on 20 queries each day from Mon – Fri. You can even ask questions! It's usually a fun time. #100Queries

Literary Agent
Jeff Severcool @JeffSevercool
@MsMariaVicente I think many times authors are hesitant to do that for fear of seemingly "trying too hard." Can look too amateur.@JeffSevercool Pitches just need to focus on what's unique about a book. That shouldn't make the writer look amateur. #100Queries