Heather McCorkle
City Owl Press
AQ editor w/City Owl, Editorial Director of Mystic Owl, romance in: SF/F genres for adults only! Love is love. cityowlpress.com enigmaticeditor.bl
Ever wonder what the top three things are that will get you rejected (by me, at least)? Here you have it, the Trifecta of Rejection: writersroadresource.com/2020/05/20/the… #querytip #querying #writing #pubtip
Ever wonder what the top three things are that will get you rejected (by me, at least)? Here you go, the Trifecta of Rejection: writersroadresource.com/2020/05/20/the… #querytip #querying #writing #pubtip
We do not publish young adult novels. It is on our website, it is all over my personal website, and yet I still keep getting young adult submissions. This leads me to believe people are blind submitting. Don't ever blind submit. Research who you are querying. #querytip
I would argue with Stephen King that the road to hell is not paved with adverbs, but instead, passive voice (was, were, had, etc.). Adverbs are the rumble strip. #writetip #querytip #WritersRoad
Receiving a rejection while querying isn't a failure, it's a step in the right direction. You put yourself and your work out there, and that is not an easy first step to take. #querytip #WritersRoad
I am currently caught up on queries. If you haven't heard from me, it's because I am giving your work the coveted closer look. If I passed, you are to be commended for your bravery in putting yourself out there. It is the first step to success! #QueryTip
I am an editor with a publishing press. I am not an agent. Editors acquire, agents represent. If your query says "I am looking for representation", that's a redflag that you haven't done your research, or might be spitball submitting. #querytip
Writing is a wonderful way to spend your quarantine time. But please, do not submit your work without first editing it, and carefully researching to make sure you are submitting it to the correct people. Spitball submitting just gains you more rejections. #querytip
I am open to unagented queries, but please, please, read up on City Owl Press, and myself, and only submit to us if your work is right for us. There are genres we don't publish and we will not make acceptions. #querytip cityowlpress.com
Writers on submission (particularly those participating in Twitter pitches): I cannot stress how helpful it is to have a link in your bio to a site where we can read samples of your #writing. #querytip #WritersRoad
I am open to queries! I am looking for shorter works of fiction, though, so be sure to check out my post on it. enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/2020/03/what-i… #querytip #amwriting #A #PNR #UF
To help brighten up 2020, I'm open for submissions. But I'm looking for something a bit different than I have been in the past. Details here: enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/p/submit.html #querytip #amwriting #writersroad
Don't have an agent but feel your work would be perfect for me? I've just added a Twitter pitch event for this month to my events. Check it out here: enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/p/events.html #pubtip #querytip #writetip #writersroad
Also, I'm still on the lookout for a great #scifi #romance that ticks off all the right boxes for me. Check out my blog, read my preferences and genre lengths. If myself and @CityOwlPress sounds right for you, shoot me a query. FOLLOW GUIDELINES. #querytip
Read up on who you are submitting to. If agented, read up on who your agent is submitting you to. Know whether a publisher is right for you BEFORE sending them material. #querytip
I am closing to unagented queries in October. So now is the time: If you have an outstanding adult #shifter #romance novel, and you feel @CityOwlPress is right for you, I want to read it. enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/p/submit.html #PNR #amwriting #querytip FOLLOW GUIDELINES!
Incomplete sentences make me twitchy. Every now and then for voice or emphasis, I can let them slide, but too many and I get this eye twitch thing going... #querytip