Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Theme Positioning Statement Formula
[Adjective] and full of [noun], [TITLE] shows us [main emotional truth]. The story explores themes of [theme], [theme], and [theme].
Literary Agent
#QueryTip When you write a pitch, give more than story + hook. Craft 1-2 sentences to position your project in the market, plus share the themes explored in your story-–family, friendship, self-discovery--and why your readers will care.
Here are formulas to get you started...🧵
Literary Agent
Another #QueryTip about me:
I am not the right agent to champion a second-person narrative. I struggle with the craft choice. As a reader, I prefer not to be told how I think or feel.
But remember, taste is subjective. Another agent might feel differently. Best of luck!
Literary Agent
Up early, reading queries and fulls on a Sunday morning, and seeing lots of italicized beginnings.
#QueryTip Consider letting italics go. If the draft and story are strong enough, the text will not need emphasis. Your words will pop on the page nonetheless.
Literary Agent
Malia Maunakea Writes @MaliaMaunakea
How many CP groups are you in? Are they full of folks in your genre or from multiple? Would recommend CP groups that stick to the genre you're in, or a variety? #MGAuthorChat#QueryTip I always ask prospective clients, "Do you have a critique group?" Beyond beta readers, I think it's helpful to read others' work and reciprocate with feedback, as well as give/get support to weather the highs & lows of publishing. Don't have a group? Get one. #amwriting
Literary Agent
JenniferMarchSoloway @marchsoloway
#QueryTip for #PB author-illustrators:Please send a full 32-page or 40-page sketch dummy, including text, so I can read the book. 2-3 of the illustrations should be color to show your vision for the palette + final art. Please also share your portfolio URL + IG.
Best of luck!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip If an agent requests your work during a pitch fest, but you see opportunities to revise before submitting. Don't feel pressured to send right away. Take your time to polish. I promise, we'll wait.
Best of luck, #amquerying!
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Know category, genre, and word count, as well as 2-3 recent comps, published in the last three years with strong sales: “[TITLE] is [COMP] meets [COMP] with ________ of [COMP]." Then explain how the book fits into the market + reader appeal. #amquerying
Literary Agent
JenniferMarchSoloway @marchsoloway
@agentemurph @taralazar @AliMoss @joanpaq @tiffanygharvey @SteveJankousky @literaticat @JoyceGrackle Our guidelines allow one to send another ms anytime, I still suggest taking a breath before you do to think about the draft, the pitch, the place in the market for the story, and if the agent would be the right fit for the project.Lastly, a #QueryTip:
Send queries in rounds, adhering to each agent’s submission guidelines. Don’t send all at once. Give yourself time between each submission round to rethink your strategy and pitch, revise, etc.
Best of luck!
Literary Agent
#WriteTip (#QueryTip #HelpfulStepForYourReadersTip)
Include page numbers on your #WIP manuscript for easy reference. Your beta readers (as well as agents, editors, and anyone providing feedback on the draft) will love you for it.
#amwriting #amrevising #amquerying
Literary Agent
I welcome the chance to see illustrated dummies. Sadly, my Query Manager form doesn't accept large attachments. Instead, please provide a (password-protected) portfolio link, Dropbox link or a Google doc link. I promise I'll click through to look!
Best of luck!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip I am open to seeing revisions and welcome resubmissions. (I've signed more than one client after a R&R)
But please follow @AndreaBrownLit guidelines:
Wait six months; then send a *significant* revision.
Make it so good, I can't say no.😉
Good luck, #amquerying!
Literary Agent
#WriteTip / #QueryTip / #RevisionTip
From an agent's perspective, a high word count can be a red flag that the project is early and in need of revision.
For that reason, if your word count is high, I strongly recommend revising before submitting.
But all is not lost...!
Literary Agent
Emily Rodmell @EmilyRodmell
The title of your manuscript file is important. Always include your name and book title in the file name when you save it.Signed,
An editor with too many files labeled “Final manuscript” or “Book” floating around her reading device.
#QueryTip File names with the project title and your name are helpful to agents when submitting full manuscripts to agents. It’s a good habit that will help when your book sells and you start sharing manuscript files with your editor (see below) #amwriting #amrevising
Literary Agent
#QueryTip With me, no means not yet. If you query me, and I pass, you are welcome to send new projects to me, or a significant revision after six months. I am impressed by creators who don't give up and continue to write/revise + master their craft. Best of luck! #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip A "no" from one ABLA agent is a "no" from the agency as a whole. However, you may submit a new work to another agent or the same agent. And, if the work is significantly revised, you may resubmit it after 6 months.…
Literary Agent
#QueryTip I am now using Query Manager to manage my query box.
If you would like to query me, please use this form and follow the steps:
I love a good story and hope to have the chance to read yours. Thank you!
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Unfortunately, I cannot accept queries or pitches via Twitter dm, but I welcome everyone to query me via email:
I hope to have the opportunity to consider your work!