Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q169: Literary. Lesbian meth kingpins. I'm in. 100pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q167: SciFi. Focus on mother protecting her children in wartime, which is interesting. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q164: Historical. Welsh myth retelling. Strong sample but not sure if the retelling is unique yet. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q99: Mystery. PitMad request. This one feels right up my alley, but I'm not sold on the first 10pp. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q66: Urban Fantasy again... but about a tough trans sex worker. There you go -- that's a fresh hook. 50pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q45: Literary/Historical. Very ambitious premise -- would like to see if it pans out. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q40: Thriller. Interesting premise, political without feeling like every other espionage thriller. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q36: Literary. A bit macho for my admittedly more 'feminine' tastes, but the writing is strong. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q30: Sci-fi. Concept way out there, but in a way that could be fun. Dystopian still sells in adult. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q25: Fairytale retelling w/dark twist. Not a fairytale I've seen done before. Visceral writing. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q24: Historical fantasy. Interesting female lead. Not quite sold on the first 10 pages, but curious. 50 pg partial request. #millionqueries

Connor Goldsmith
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @FuseLiterary . Host of @CEREBROcast and @SFLcast . Writing some comics. Irish, Jewish, gay, loud.
29 AskAgent
177 Queries
40 Tips

Q11: Historical Fantasy. Euro folklore, but a kind I haven't seen before. Writing is strong. 100 pg partial request. #millionqueries