Amy Collins

Literary Agent

Talcott Notch Literary

Agent with Talcott Notch. (She/Them) Old lady with a young heart and twisted mind. Focus: SciFi, Pop Culture and Cookbooks. Pitch me TO SERVE MAN (KETO Edition)

Amy Collins
Literary Agent
Agent with Talcott Notch. (She/Them) Old lady with a young heart and twisted mind. Focus: SciFi, Pop Culture and Cookbooks. Pitch me TO SERVE MAN (KETO Edition)

I just got through my Query inbox! I am still looking for my #mswl. Please send your history, historical fiction, business and how-to queries to

Amy Collins
Literary Agent
Agent with Talcott Notch. (She/Them) Old lady with a young heart and twisted mind. Focus: SciFi, Pop Culture and Cookbooks. Pitch me TO SERVE MAN (KETO Edition)

Just got through my first batch of manuscripts. Ready for more. #mswl includes history, business, how-to, and self-actualization. Historical fiction also being considered. For Query guidelines go to

Amy Collins
Literary Agent
Agent with Talcott Notch. (She/Them) Old lady with a young heart and twisted mind. Focus: SciFi, Pop Culture and Cookbooks. Pitch me TO SERVE MAN (KETO Edition)