Ann Rose
Literary Agent
Tobias Literary Agency
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe

Literary Agent
Alison Weiss @alioop7
@annmrose What does it feel like to be a boss agent (and still do the typo thing)?We are all human so while I’m embarrassed I also just laugh it off.
Pobody’s Nefect!

Literary Agent
Mitra Mahmoudi De Souza @mitra_souza
@annmrose If an agent asks for 20 pages and it's an awkward stopping place is it okay to do 20 and a half or is it better to find a better stopping place with the first 20?I think you make the best judgment call. Going a little over, I don’t think is a problem. Just don’t take advantage —like sending 50 because that is a better stopping point

Literary Agent
Kathryn Faye @KathrynFaye007
@annmrose Okay, question... what does it mean when an agent gives you a response that your MS is the most unique thing they've seen in their inbox and they love it! But... they don't have the editorial vision enough to offer representation. So they're passing. What does it mean?! #askagentBeing unique can be good and bad. Publishing is a business and if it’s too unique and there are no comps then it could be challenging for publishing to take a risk on it. So if the agent isn’t quite sure how they would position it to sell it that’s likely the reason for the pass

Literary Agent
abby | querying mer WIP @abbywrites8
@annmrose Do you think batching queries is best, even if you’re confident about your query package?(Thanks for all these ask me anything’s - they’ve been so informative!)
You mean sending out to a certain number at a time? Yes. I think that can be effective and a good way to gauge if the query package is working

Literary Agent
rob is revising @robinspncr
@annmrose Aha! I’m super early💪🏼what’s your ideal client? I’m really curiousMy ideal client…. Hmmmm… they are collaborative and open minded, they don’t mind being challenged and will take risks, they are always open to upping their game, they are friendly and supportive to the other Rosebuds, they are looking for long term commitment ❤️

Literary Agent
Zach (Christmas Chaos) 💞 @ZachDHumphrey
@annmrose If Twitter goes dark, what should we do about agent requests that ask that you include in your query a link to the tweet an agent liked? Should we all start screenshotting?Just copy and paste the liked pitch text in the query. I think that will be enough ❤️

Literary Agent
Gretchen A.Van Lente @GretchenVanLent
@annmrose I submitted through your query manager after a request, but never got a confirmation that it was received. should I submit again?Through Query Manager? There should be a way for you to look up the submission. QM usually sends a link. If you are talking about the portal from my previous agency, I don’t have access to that anymore

Literary Agent
Autumn Bauman (is querying) @autumn_inkblood
@annmrose How often do agents check out a querying writer's website and/or Twitter before making a decision?I imagine often if they are interested in working with them - it’s good to get an idea about who they are ahead of time

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Janna G. Noelle @jgnoelle
@annmrose If an agent has your genre listed on their QM form but doesn’t mention that genre in their MSWL is it worth querying them?Yep. I may know of some agents who are on the DL expanding lists but don’t want to scream about it so this would be a quiet way to do that. You can mention it was an option so you hope they are looking for it ❤️

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Autumn is drafting 😎 (7.2k + 8.8) @autumnwritesya
@annmrose What’s a good word count for MG Contemporary?For a MG novel 40k-60k I think is fair

Literary Agent
Martin Porter @NewYorkNewBoy
@annmrose Is dealing with death and grief too big a topic for MG? Especially when the overall book falls into magical realismNo, it’s not too big. Kids have to deal with death too 😔

Literary Agent
Genalea Barker @genalea_barker
@annmrose I'd like to know how agents feel about an author who has novels forthcoming with independent publishers querying agents with other projects. Should authors wait until those other books are officially published before querying agents or does it matter?It doesn’t matter.

Literary Agent
Nagashree (#amquerying, #Moodpitch tweet 📌ed) @WritersDragons
@annmrose What is your opinion on stories with crossover appeal? Is it better to mention in the query that or leave it as, say, YA?The trick with “crossover” is that it still has to sit solidly on one shelf.
I personally think it’s best to focus on where it WILL sit and let the idea of “crossover” come to the reader. If there is potential it will be obvious on the page ❤️

Literary Agent
Claudia Armann - Latinx in Pub. mentee @ClaudiaArmann
@annmrose What do agents mean when they say they like/dislike your line-level writing?I mean this is so subjective but what it COULD mean is
Like: the writing is smooth and flows really easily that I get swept up in it
Dislike: the writing is a little choppy and there are some word choices I’m stumbling over finding it hard to really sink in

Literary Agent
Ashlee MacCallum @_ashleedani
@annmrose I’m outlining a MG about kids who get sent to a camp to escape the various gangs they have been initiated into. Based on the content, does your brain go to more of a YA space?If middle graders are in danger of being lured into gangs then it probably should be addressed but it will always come down to execution.
It Happened On Saturday is a MG book that deals with human trafficking but is done so for the MG (the most vulnerable to it) audience

Literary Agent
Amber Hamilton with Prosecco innit 💅 @AmHamWrites
@annmrose What sort of info do you want to see in the author bio paragraph of a query letter?For me, I want to know about you! What inspired this project? Are you connected to it in any way? Do you have any fun hobbies or a job that relates to the work? You don’t have to have writing credits. At the end of the day we work with people not just words ❤️

Literary Agent
Emily Holi-Turkey-Day 🦃 @EmilyHoli13
@annmrose If you’ve queried an agent and they have a NO QUERYING TWO AGENTS AT THE SAME AGENCY policy, BUT you get a special above-the-pile opp from a course/newsletter or something, can you break that policy???Like you queried agent A and then attended a class or met agent B at a conference? I think just mentioning it in the query that it is with A is the best thing to do in this scenario if you don’t want to wait for their response