Alexandra Machinist
Literary Agent
ICM Partners
Literary agent at ICM. Sybarite. Lefty (both kinds). Feminist. My patronus is a fox. Must have plot.

Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
It takes me exactly three clicks to make sure all your future emails skips my inbox forever and I will officially be doing that from now on if you send me a snarky, rude, or angry response to a rejection.I’m gonna take this most excellent policy and institute it myself. #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jonny Geller @JonnyGeller
Reduce chances of ms being rejected by following some easy steps:- target your submission
- send best possible draft
- be confident, brief, clear
- don’t distract by trying to over pitch
- entice by leaving us wanting to know more
- share a clue as to who you are
Many a worthy #pubtip here

Literary Agent
Caroline Eisenmann @CarolineMEisen
Authors: when you receive an offer of representation for a project while others are still considering, it's generally acceptable/in your interest to alert the agents who still have the manuscript & set a deadline for your decision. You don't have to accept the offer right away!True #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Diana Gill @dianagill
Dear agents--if you email in re updates about a submission, attaching the submission means I can look right then versus finding the original email in my inbox... Win-win for us both. ;-)Wise. Applies equally well to querying authors. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Gina Guadagnino @mymarginalia
#authorstats part the third2017 (still): 180 rejections later, sign with agent @amachinist. Dance happy dance! Do minor revision. Offer from @trishtodd at @TouchstoneBooks. More happy dancing!
2018: Edits! Most joyful editing I've ever done! So much happy dancing!
The power of perseverance never wanes. Keep trying, would-be authors. Gina is proof that it’s worth it! #pubtip #authorstats

Literary Agent
I love knowing that you have many novel ideas...but I always think wisest to query one only. And choose your strongest! #pubtip #amquerying

Literary Agent
And never think that if I passed once, I wouldn't want to see a future query. I would! #pubtip #amquerying

Literary Agent
If I haven't responded to your query, send me a note. I've responded to all (that I know of!) through 3/31. Know too that if I am silent, I didn't get it and would always appreciate a gentle re-send. #pubtip #amquerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
The most difficult reaction an agent can have to a manuscript is not dislike or even hate but ambivalence. #pubtip #amreading

Literary Agent