Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
KT Literary
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
- #mswl (17)
- #tenqueries (141)
- #queryfail (13)
- #querytip (69)
- #pubtip (434)
- #querystats (9)
- #askagent (1)
- #10queriesIn10tweets (111)
- #AskKTLit (12)
- #5QueriesIn5Tweets (46)

Literary Agent
#6 = paranormal romance. Interesting and compelling world building, but not enough spark with the characters. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
An example = original query letter for FALLS THE SHADOW by @stefaniegaither (Sept 2014, S&S):… … #10queriesin10tweets

Literary Agent
re. #5 = I call this the "and they have many adventures" mistake in queries. Make your query specific in its pitch! #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#5 = YA science fiction. World building feels confusing and characters aren't portrayed with a specific goal. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = fantasy. Interesting world but query fails to introduce any characters - just talks about magic & backstory. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = contemporary romance. Heroine's conflict doesn't feel compelling or engaging to me. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = YA science fiction. Basic grammar problems and the pitch feels weak. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#1 = contemporary New Adult. I don't feel any spark between hero and heroine and the setting feels too familiar. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
There is no where to "submit" for #10queriesIn10tweets as I am reading anonymously from the slush pile.

Literary Agent
Interesting stat - I've requested 174 partials so far this year (from roughly 15,000 queries) #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#10 = science fiction. The science is well fleshed out in the query, but the characters and story aren't. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#9 = fantasy. Strong hook but the world building and writing don't feel strong enough. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#8 = picture book. I love picture books. I buy picture books. I read picture books. But I don't rep picture books. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
Note, setting something in a dream world isn't a deal breaker, but writing must be superior to pull it off. #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#7 = YA fantasy. Magic is based in dream world. This is a hard trope and writing not quite strong enough here. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#6 = contemp romance. Hero's conflict doesn't feel big enough to sustain book & I don't feel the chemistry. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#5 = contemporary New Adult. Heroine feels cliche & doesn't seem relatable to me, also conflict feels contrived. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = John Grisham-esque thriller. This is not a genre we represent so PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = contemporary YA. Lots of character description (including hair color & middle names) but no hook or conflict. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = contemp YA. Story told via diary. Could work (especially in YA), but this particular query not strong enough. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets