Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
KT Literary
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
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Literary Agent
#5 = adult science fiction. Some cool space elements here and unique-sounding aliens/monsters. But, no introduction of protagonist(s). Readers want big characters to follow on these exciting adventures. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = contemporary middle grade. Protagonist is the "chubby" girl, made fun of by the "popular" girl. Not fond of this trope as it slides into fat shaming too easily. It's not a deal breaker but I'd want to see superior writing. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = young adult science fiction. Interesting premise but writing is sloppy and unclear. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = paranormal romance. Nice description of heroine but very little on the hero or the conflict (what keeps them apart?). PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#1 = adult epic fantasy. Heroine and conflict are generic (she discovers she's the chosen one and heads out to save the day). "Chosen One" isn't necessarily a deal breaker but this one didn't grab me. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
Thanks y'all!
btw - if you want to read a great, epic query blog, try this one:

Literary Agent
#5 = currently self published contemporary young adult. One of my requirements is that a submission be for a book that's never been previously published, so PASS. #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = contemporary young adult. the story feels overly familiar in terms of characters, world and conflict. Not a big enough hook. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = fantasy. Some good character details and character motivation but overall writing is not strong enough and not big enough conflict. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = science fiction. Really cool premise but the writing is weak. Alas. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#1 = contemporary middle grade. Voice sounds too young and conflict feels too familiar. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#5 = adult urban fantasy. Good introduction to heroine with strong character motivation and brilliant inciting incident. Superior writing and interesting magic. ACCEPT! #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = young adult fantasy. Pitch paragraph is all backstory with limited introduction to the protagonist. PASS. #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = adult epic fantasy. Lots of description of the world, backstory and magic but no solid introduction of characters or plot. PASS. #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = contemporary romance. I don't get a sense of sexual tension or chemistry and the external conflict is weak. PASS. #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#1 = young adult science fiction. Cool spaceship setting but the conflict feels melodramatic and generic. PASS. #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
Thanks y'all!
I will try to do #5QueriesIn5Tweets once a week. Happy writing to all and good luck! The vast majority of my clients come from slush pile queries so keep at it!

Literary Agent
Here's an example of a successful query letter - the original query for Margaret Rogerson's AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS which debuted on the NYTimes bestseller list last fall:… #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#5 = young adult fantasy. Set at a school for magicians (this trope is overdone although it's not, necessarily a deal breaker) and the pitch paragraph is weakly written. PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = adult science fiction. Paragraph one is a listed description of six characters. They sound interesting but there's no pitch - what do they do? what's the conflict? PASS #5QueriesIn5Tweets