Emily Forney

Literary Agent

BookEnds Literary Agency

Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Stacey Pierson @SuperStacey318

In "about the author bio" -- what do you think is the best way to approach it? Simple like like being a stay-at-home parent or listing your educational background? #askDVPit

You can show off personality here, writing credentials, awards, the like! Don’t go too lengthy, but it’s our way to see you as a person apart from just the author #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

👻Emily Forney🧛🏽‍♀️ @EmilyKaitlinnn

Ah I love multi-genre writers! First, I would recommend choosing where your heart is for your debut. Pick a genre you know you want to work on first and also aligns with your future agent. Then talk to them (before you sign) about how well the agent does within other genres 1/2 twitter.com/MilaHailWrites…

You’ll want to be on the same page w/them so they can continue to foster your career! I wouldn’t reach too far with 6 genres all in a year, but establish yourself in 1-2 areas and then grow as an author and your readership and branch out as you do! Pacing is everything #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Barb Miller @BarbMiller831

#askdvpit If an agent passes on your full MS, but is very complimentary regarding querying them on future projects, would it be super tacky to contact them after a major revision on the one they were initially considering?

I don’t think it’s tacky at all. Just be mindful that you aren’t turning that revision over in a week. Spend time on it, really reflect on it, and allow for the agent to have some distance to and get excited #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Brianne Gazal @BrianneGazal

#askdvpit thoughts on an author website for the unpublished writer. Should I or shouldn’t I create one?

Everyone should create a website! I mean, do you absolutely need one before you get an agent? Not necessarily. But it does help give people a sense of your identity, work you can showcase, experiences, aesthetics etc. but they are massively important when you get a deal #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent
Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

K.A. Blaser @KABlaser

@DVpit_ #askDVpit I’m always curious, when a DV pitch blows up and there’s a lot of agent interest, do things move a little faster for that author in finding an agent? Or does it all happen at the usual pace?

I would say it sort of depends because one agent could read immediately and then speed the process along for all of us, but also we all are trying to read and do justice by each other so our speed could be normal compared to a regular full request! #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Kathryn Faye @KathrynFaye007

Would it overwhelm an agent if they ask you so you have any other projects and you say over 20? I write at least 2-3 novels a year. #askDVpit

I M guessing this is for PB would stick to 1-3 others that fit their wishlist and are relevant. See what grabbed their attention with the first and show off a little range, but don’t overwhelm #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

👻Emily Forney🧛🏽‍♀️ @EmilyKaitlinnn

Look, for pitch events, go HAM on your comps. Have fun. But also realize that they show us how maybe other media, like movies or Broadway hits, work to grab our attention. But truthfully, if you really do comp to a cultural phenomenon in a query it makes me think 1/2 twitter.com/SuperStacey318…

That you aren’t caring enough about your own genre/demographic to research & know current work. Twilight, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games are all great books, but dated and not representative the same now. I highly recommend finding comps from being doing the work NOW #askDVPit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Viya Karish @Viya_Karish

#askdvpit If the story behind a myth is not *popular enough* or is localized to a place/region, would the mythical retelling written about it gain less traction by agents/editors?

Personally, not for me. I love when writers allow readers to explore worlds, myths, and lore that aren’t as well known. I think it’s beautifully refreshing! I actually search hard for them! #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

S.I. Ryder @SIRyder2

#askDVpit would you reject a manuscript if the author went over their word count?

I wouldn’t outright reject it, but within reason! If you write a 100k contemporary story, my gut tells me that it’s overly written bc we couldn’t focus in on character motivations. Sometimes writing outside of word count is bc we try to fix holes w/more time and space #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

KateReen @KateReenAuthor

How do you feel when a manuscript from a non-native English speaker lands on your desk, trying to get published in English? Is the distance an issue? #askdvpit

Distance is truly not an issue. I have many authors on my list who do not live in the US and as long as you’re passionate about your storytelling and willing to work with me on your project, I’ll look at it #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Jessica Corra 🍂 🕸 🎃 @jessicacorra

#askDVPit Best editing tips or resources? How do you know you're improving the book and not rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?

This is the funniest metaphor omg. I am a HUGE advocate for finding people you trust to read your work but also relying on mentor texts. Read widely and diversely OUTSIDE of your genre. You can learn rhythm from PBs and voice from MG and tension from romance #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Rain Ashton says buy BAD WITCH BURNING @RainTheWriter

What do you think of marginalized folks trying out dead tropes/genres? Are the dead-dead genres still dead no matter what? I'm asking mostly for adult! #askDVPit

For me, tropes will never die. Ever. People might have seen a similar pattern of story told in the same western, white, cishet lens, but that doesn’t kill a trope. Marginalized creators can/should absolutely get space to explore classic storytelling #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Anne Liberton is down @Anne_Liberton

do agents ever consider pitches for novellas or is it better to query first with a novel?

There are agents who do like novellas! I think that’s a taste just like any other genre/format/age demographic! Just check out their manuscript wishlist before querying! #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Ann Dayleview @AnnDayleview

#askDVpit If a story has a made up type of science is that SciFi or Fantasy? Thanks!

Well that depends! Is the story rooted in a technologically driven world? Is the science the anchor to the story? If so, sci-fi. Is there science that is around another magic system or other worldly space? Could be fantasy. @NaomisLitPix can I get a hand? #askDVpit

Emily Forney
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @bookendslit • Undiscovered National Treasure • Neighborhood Book Bimbo • emilykaitlin.com for #MSWL (she/her)
16 AskAgent

Exquisite ⚔️🤎 @ExquisiteWill

What kinds of ideas are missing/ do you see a theme of too many of one idea? Or does it not matter since you’re just looking for our unique spin on traditional type ideas #askdvpit

Hmmm do you mean just in storytelling as a whole during these events? Honestly I don’t care if I see a hundred fake dating pitches, because I love the trope and I want something fun and new that I can work on. So I don’t look at patterns like that #askDVpit