Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Donaghy Literary Group
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL. Looking forward to reading your query.

Literary Agent
#Querytip Do not spend half of your query telling us that your story is going to be a best seller, and one line about story?? #queryfail

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#Querytip Just read the most awesome sub a mystery, made me say OMG! #yesplease Crossing fingers that the story follows query goodness

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#querytip I have said it before, but is worth repeating. Tell us about your STORY when you query. Not what YOU think of it. #marketbook

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#querytip Sometimes a story just isn't for us, not our taste. Doesn't mean that the story is not a good one. #StayPositive

Literary Agent
#querytip Make sure you spend more time telling agent about story, and less time telling the agent why they should rep you. #sellstory

Literary Agent

Literary Agent