Stacey Donaghy

Literary Agent

Donaghy Literary Group

Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL. Looking forward to reading your query.

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

Now that I’m open to queries again. A quick reminder to review agency submission guidelines if you are not clear on where to send your query. #querytip #mswl #amquerying

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Please provide at least 2 weeks notice to agents if you’ve received an offer. This is even more important if said offer is not from other agents but from a smaller less known publisher. Agents can be a great resource in terms of knowledge and guidance

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

I will be closing to query submissions on October 1st in order to catch up on ALL things! #querytip #writers All queries and MS submissions that are received before the 1st will be responded to.

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

Further to the query phone calls. We also do not accept queries sent directly to agent primary emails. We have clear guidelines posted on the website and only accept queries via QueryManager anything outside of this guideline will be deleted. #querytip

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

Is there a full moon? I have received two calls this week from writers wanting to query me via phone. This is not the way it is done, please review agency guidelines and follow them. We are excited to receive queries as long as guidelines are adhered to. #querytip

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Only query agents as per guidelines unless specifically requested otherwise. SM sites are not the preferred route.

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

Mass query this A.M. Likely that 20+ agents deleted. If applying for job -cover letter wouldn't be addressed to 20 companies #querytip

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip It's tough to standout in the volume. Tell me about the story you're querying not four other books you're planning. TMI

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip If you bypass our guidelines & send your initial query into our main accounts, we will delete without review. Read Guidelines

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips
Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Wow! Hooked right away. Immediate intro to plot suspense, short concise sentences that made me sit up and take notice #Request

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Be professional, treat this like a job interview where you are competing with a thousand other applicants. Submit as requested

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Telling an agent that you have no idea what genre your story fits, that it should be a film does not help at the query stage#pass

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip 1/2 page in and I still have no idea what the story is about. Review and publication links are not helpful at this stage.#pass

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Just because one agent doesn't connect doesn't mean that another won't. Don't despair, keep at it! #writing

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Been seeing a few book proposals for fiction complete with chapter outlines. BP's are not needed & not productive for fiction work

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip Why waste time sending an agent a genre that they say they do not rep. Spend your time wisely and sub the right agents #research

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip We love clear concise queries! No guessing genre, word count or hook! With hundreds of subs you have limited to draw us in.#GO!

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip We really appreciate the writers who thank us for reviewing their query. We may not have time to respond but do appreciate it!

Stacey Donaghy
Literary Agent
Literary Agent and Founder at Donaghy Literary Group. Be sure to review my #MSWL . Looking forward to reading your query.
52 AskAgent
96 Tips

#querytip sending questions about what we rep to our query email will go unanswered, visit bios and websites. Query box is for queries.