Literary Agent
Q2: Fantasy. Pitched the tone of a series, w/o any MC to follow. TIP: Pitch 1 book, w a cast/MC, & "series potential." Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q1: YA Fantasy. Baby boy loses mother. Fast forward. At 16 he gains magical powers. How will this stand out/be unique? Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q10: Loads of art & manuscript attachments, a plea to be published, no query actually stating what the project is about. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: Queried b4 (that's ok!), presented a new ms w/in the old subj line (ehh), pasted the 1st 10 pgs with no query (no). Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: Nonfiction, humor. I am not the agent to pitch to at TriadaUS with nf projects. Please see submission guidelines. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Anthology, literary fiction, AND fantasy projects all pitched at once. Pass pass pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: An organization tried to "stop this book" but I should rep it anyway and make millions. Yet, no info about book! Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: HF. Niche and difficult to sell. Did not follow submission guidelines. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: Was sent the same query 4 times in the span of a day, all forwarded, all "Dear Agent." Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: No query, just a request to publish it, followed by a PDF attachment of the whole manuscript. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: Paragraphs of pompous posturing got in the way of sharing the pitch for the project. Pass. #tenqueries
(hi unintentional alliteration)
Literary Agent
Q1: Re-query on a project I passed, informing me of an offer of publication they'd like an agent to review. Nope. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q10: ya sci-fi. Third person present, then switches to first, very awkward to read. Pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: fantasy. Lots of exposition, but I don't think it helps character, or advance the story. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: query for novel/screenplay(?) no sample pages and we are not currently considering screenplays. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: third person present tense...I find it awkward to read. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: sci-fi/fantasy/dystopian (?) I felt it was difficult to relate to the main character. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: YA sci-fi. The pages seemed to meander and made it tough for me to get invested in the story. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: MG. I liked the voice and I'd like to read a little more to see where it goes. Request! #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: Romance. Didn't care for the writing, and I didn't feel it was a good fit for me. Pass. #tenqueries