Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q3: YA Sci-fi: The word count is on the high side, but this also has 3 POVs and a political story that isn't quite for me. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q2: YA Fantasy: This is an Aladdin-inspired story, with Middle Eastern MCs but it doesn't appear to be #OwnVoices and we've already had issues with something similar at the agency. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips
Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q12: YA Fantasy. I think there are some elements here that are really great, but the prologue isn't working for me and the Fae stuff isn't really my jam and...I have to make hard decisions. Pass. #tenqueries #bonusquery

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q11: Science Fiction. The themes in this one are kind of tricky and I'm not certain I'm up to the task of navigating them. Pass. #tenqueries #bonusquery

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q10: Multicultural Fiction. I should probably remove this genre tag from my query form bc inevitably the queries that come in on this one are not in genres I rep. I like seeing multiculturalism, but if I don't rep the actual genre I'm not going to be a good fit. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q9: Fantasy. This historical fantasy has elements of LGBTQ romance and magic and things I like, but I think this is almost too focused on the romance aspect. Which is a strange note coming from me, but here we are. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q8: Fantasy. So just yesterday I was talking about how talking animals are not quite for me. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q7: YA Contemporary. I think with this one I already have a manuscript with similar themes on my list and I also felt like there was too much telling rather than showing in the opening pages. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q6: Urban Fantasy. This was missing some emotional and physical grounding for me. So I didn't feel invested in the characters the way I want to be to see more. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q5: Fantasy. This also has science fiction elements and horror and like a couple other genres and it's just too much of a blend for me to know what to do with it. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q4: YA Contemporary. I wasn't sure about the pitch, but when I started reading there's something really compelling about this story and I want to see more. Full Request. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q3: YA Contemporary. I have two other manuscripts on my list with similar themes and I don't have space for more even though I do like a lot about this pitch. Tough call but...Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q2: Fantasy. This historical fantasy has bodyguards and LGBTQ themes and magic and a 1920s vibe and yeah, okay I can't stop myself from requesting. Full Request. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q1: YA Romance. There are so many things I love about this pitch, but reading the opening pages there are too many things that remain surface level. I will encourage the author to dig deeper because this is so close. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q10: Women's Fiction. This one is set around 9/11 and I...I just don't see what that adds to the story. I think the themes of multiculturalism are just as easily explored without it, and just place this in a contemporary space. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q9: Women's Fiction. This has elements that I like to see in WF, but I am also extremely selective and there are some issues with the query and the opening pages that make this not a great fit. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q8:YA Fantasy. This post-apocalyptic story has multiverses that include the afterlife and it's just a bit of a bridge to far for me. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q7: Thriller. Tbh, today has been perplexing in terms of genres in the ol' query box. Most haven't matched what the author says they are. I shouldn't have to think this hard to figure it out! I don't think this is a thriller, but I don't know what it is. Pass. #tenqueries

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

Q6: Multicultural. Honestly, I'm not sure this is fiction or nonfiction or academic work. It's outside of my genres, but it's also closer to performance art than it is literature. Pass. #tenqueries