Literary Agent
Q10: 165K words. That's an easy pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: MG fantasy. Really not my thing. I recently posted about wanting to get more into fantasy books, but I'm still having trouble garnering enthusiasm. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: This author might be too talented for his own good. Read the first 10 pages, which were BEAUTIFULLY written...but I have absolutely no idea what I just read. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Mystery novel that's already out on Amazon, but author is able to pull the book at any time. Once a book is published, in any capacity it's published; not much else to be done there, with very, very few exceptions. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: Too much dialogue in the opening pages, and way too many exclamation points. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I think exclamation points can, for the most part, get lost. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: This query is like so many others I get; decent writing, not a bad story, and I have nothing critical to say about it. But I wasn't blown away by these pages, and I have to be blown away, or at least very intrigued, to request more. Just the way it works sometimes #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: Book of short horror stories. Think the writing is good, but short stories are all but impossible to sell as a debut. I'll likely write the author, pass, but ask if she has a novel that she's working on; would love to see that. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: Memoir about time spent as an MLB umpire. I get these every once in a while; I just don't think the audience is there. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: Russian spy thriller. I think I've ever heard the word 'Russia' more times over the past 10 months than my entire life combined. I'm very Russia-ed out. Pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q1: Military fiction. Super hard to sell, so unless I'm completely wild about it, I have to err on the side of passing. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
10. YA F. The query pitch is all vague pat phrases that sound appropriately dramatic but tell me nothing concrete about the story. Opening paragraphs are very confusing to follow--see Wednesday's thread about not starting in the middle of The Action. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
9. YA F. This one was close for me--the voice was strong, but there was a lack of clarity about what the big picture was for the story, both in the query and the pages. Sadly a pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
8. MG F. I actually really like this MG voice, but I'm struggling to connect with the characters. Synopsis ultimately determined this one--a pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
7. MG F. Seems fun, but features a number of elements I think are tired, and the voice is too campy for me, personally. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
6. YA F. I like the premise, but similar to one from the other day, the dialogue can't seem to settle on time period or voice. The tonal whiplash is jarring. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
5. YA F. I was so-so on the pitch, but the voice is fantastic! Authors, take note: it's hard for a good query letter to save so-so prose, but great prose can absolutely save a so-so pitch. Request. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
4. YA F. The writing isn't quiiiite where I'd like, but the premise is really compelling and I'm taken with the characters. I'll give this one a shot. Request. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
3. YA F. Another intriguing premise, but sadly the writing just doesn't grab me. The narrative style is heavy on dramatics but nothing unique or compelling about the voice. This is a frequent issue in first-person POV YA queries for me. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
2. YA F. This premise is SO cool, I really wanted to love it. But there were a few elements of the plot that I was not a fan of, and the prose just wasn't connecting me to the MC. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
1. Adult F. The plot is awfully dark for me personally, and I'm not following the logic of the protag's established motivation to her actions--it seems nonsensical. Pass for me. #tenqueries