Literary Agent
8:YA alt history. Good letter-personalized, strong summary. Right up my alley, but sample too info-dumpy, not present enough. P #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q186 short book of unknown genre. fiction or non? adult or YA? philosophy? writing in Q&A structure. Confused. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
7: Adult. Great letter. Historical=good, but set in a commonly-explored period. Intro pages heavy on backstory. Reluctant pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q185 cyber thriller, conspiracy, villains have weird code names and lingo. not for me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q184 WF, relationships, sexual identity. didn't care for the writing. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q183 women's fiction, personal tragedies, family drama, didn't grab me #500queries
Literary Agent
6: PB. The rhyme feels forced, the language weirdly contorted. Wish it had rhythm and internal rhyme, not a "AABB" structure. P #tenqueries
Literary Agent
5: YA. Letter is ok, but not personalized. Another Grim Reaper story--seen so many of these lately & this one's not for me. P #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q182 mystery, upstate NY setting, compelling protagonist. request. #500queries
Literary Agent
4: MG low fantasy. Personalized letter, strong synopsis. Story is unique. Pages read well & want to read more. Partial request! #tenqueries
Literary Agent
3: YA paranormal. Not a great fit for my list & crazy paranormal elements intro'd immediately, before I care abt character. P. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
2: YA. Vampires need heroine's blood. Seen it before-esp sexy mystery man on p2. Need projects that stand out, not blend in. P #tenqueries
Literary Agent
1: PB. Not rhymed=good. Barnyard stories usually too quiet & common but this is modern & funny. Humor is too mature, tho. Pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q181 self-published, not taking those on now #500queries
Literary Agent
Q180 mystery with love triangle, set in New England. Wanted to love it, and it's not bad, but not quite there for me. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q179 mysteries. submission guidelines not properly followed, but writing also too old-fashioned. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q178 unsure of genre. set in 70s, washed up musician kind of interesting, but can't tell where it's heading. Uneven. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q177 mystery. Irish-American cop with tainted past, case may have connections to it. Request. #500queries
Literary Agent
#10 fantasy middle grade. Cute hero, but overall not strong writing. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
And here is the original query for international bestselling THE SIREN by @tiffanyreisz =… #10queriesIn10tweets