Literary Agent
Q9: YA. There's a lot of backstory/info-dumping in the pages. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: YA. I didn't really connect with the narrator. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Sent pages as attachment :( Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: fantasy/sci-fi. Query was a little difficult to follow, and the premise isn't really my cup of tea. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: Contemporary Romance. Not 100% on the premise, pages aren't bad, but the pace seems a bit slow for me. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: YA Contemporary. Premise isn't really for me. I didn't really relate to the narrator. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: YA. Premise seems similar to other books out there. Pages didn't really pull me in. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: YA paranormal. The premise isn't for me, and I felt there was a lot of telling in the voice. Pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q387: Mansplain-y romance novel. Ew. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q1: YA (contemporary?). The premise isn't really for me, also it was difficult to connect with the characters. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q386: I really hate queries written in the voice of the MC. It's really gimmicky. #500queries.
Literary Agent
Thanks y'all! Happy writing and I will try to do #10queriesIn10tweets again next Thursday.
Literary Agent
Two great resources for more critique-style responses to queries:… and… #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
So, one out of ten today - that's actually pretty good! #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#10 paranormal romance. Not enough chemistry between hero and heroine and the magic system feels generic. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#9 = fantasy young adult. Lots of world building and description but no solid explanation of plot or conflict. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#8 = contemporary young adult. Interesting concept but weak writing. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#7 = romantic suspense. Pitched as romance but it's not. Not strong enough love interest & too violent-wrong genre PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#6 = fantasy middle grade. Conflict feels too young for middle grade - a little too shallow or silly. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets
Literary Agent
#5 = adult fantasy. Query is wordy and confusing - not strong grammar or description. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets