Literary Agent
Q215: Zombies. Can't sell those right now #500queries
Literary Agent
Q214: book that's already self-pubbed. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q213: Epistolary is one thing. An entire novel in text is quite another. I love world building too much for that! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q211: 51k political SF. Too short, not my bag. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q210: YA SF. Awesome premise and the MCs have non-binary genders. Cool. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q209: Romantic suspense. Interesting premise, but it's not my sweet spot. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q208: C YA. Unconventional format, diversity, personalized query, and super cool hook. WANT! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q207: ah. The elusive "quesry." It is nice to see you. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q206: I love that SF/F subs are saying they pass the Bechdel test. I don't love 1/6 of the query explaining WHY it passes. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q205: C R. Too many cliché puns. We get it. The book is about cars. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q204: Elf love triangle. No thanks. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q203: If your comp is THE DRESDEN FILES, I have HIGH expectations. Query wasn't nearly funny enough for that! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q202: Pit bull fighting rings. NOOOOOOPE. #ilovemypittie #500queries
Literary Agent
Q201: F. Well-written query, but too thriller-y for my taste. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q200: SF. Interesting premise. Sent it on to @JennieGoloboy #500queries
Literary Agent
Q199: I do not like it when men are described as "crippled by lust." It takes away the agency of both partners. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q198: Sans serif gigantic block of text. MY EYES! tl;dr PASS. Be kind, help us avoid eye strain. We all wear glasses already. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q197: "Here's something a little different. Instead of trying to explain, I'll just show you." NO! NO! ABORT! ABORRRRTTTTT! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q196: A 10k Christmas classic addressed to "Agent"? SIGN ME UP. Dude. Even Santa knows my name. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q195: A parenting guide. I do all fiction. This does not follow. #500queries.