Literary Agent
Q174: I have discovered that I'm leery of any YA with a secret society of "Guardians." It means a special snowflake is lurking. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q173: Native characters! Yay! Zombie apocalypse? Boo. Unfortunate pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q172: Guaranteeing a $100 million in sales for a book/movie is NOT a way to win me over. FYI. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q171: "My writing style is ornate original. I don't get a lot of critique." Dude. You need a new CP. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q170: YA REAR WINDOW. Not loving it. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q169: MG F. For once, I'd like to see gargoyles in books as protectors, like they were originally meant to be. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q168: Awesome setting, no query letter to speak of. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q167: NA R where the hero has a mental disorder. Diversity! Request. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q166: YA F. Not grabbing me, plus author nameed two characters ALMOST the same thing and it's almost unpronounceable. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q165: Rom Suspense. Excellent hook, but one too many genre elements. Reluctant pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q164: Lucifer + cowboys + sexy times = pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q163: MG but the story doesn't seem MG. Too bad, because it's an interesting hook. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q162: Query letter is entirely made up of a string of "imagine…" hypotheticals. I just vomited a little in my mouth. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q161: YA F. Not about a cat, but sort of. Request. WATCH ME BE A HYPOCRITE. WATCH ME! #500queries

Literary Agent
Q160: MG novels about animals are a bit too precious for me. I like to keep my cats on my twitter feed, thanks. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q159: YA. Mysterious boy, mysterious house, special girl. *yawn* #500queries

Literary Agent
Q158: YA UF. Snarky and diverse. Request. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q157: YA F. EXCELLENT query, but the concept isn't grabbing me like I want. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q156: A cross between TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE ACADEMY? My! How you know my tastes! #pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q155: 220k horror. I don't rep straight horror. Also, tl;dr #500queries