Literary Agent
Q294 climate change thriller I wanted to love but couldn't. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q293 novel, already pubbed. Not really repping those ATM. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q292 WF. plot makes no sense to me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q291 historical fiction, not interesting to me. Pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q290 WF, multiculti, great setting, started off well, and then lost me. :( Pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q289 WF. query written as MC? Or too much about writer, not enough about plot? Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q288 road trip crossed w/crime fiction. I have a similar, better ms I'm reading. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q287 YA/NA thriller, kind of preposterous, writing not great. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q286 memoir from convicted criminal maintaining innocence. Not pulled in. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q285 fantasy, not for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q284 Fantasy? I don't get what this is. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q283 adventure, no real plot, way too short. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q282 literary, fictional bio, no real plot. Pass. #10000queries
Literary Agent
Q281 "literary", thriller w/adultery. too romance-y for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q280 NF, no discernible platform, topic I could write a book on (but don't want to). pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q279 terrorism thriller, not for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q278 WF, story without a plot as far as I can tell. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q277 WF, based on inside dirt from writer's affair w/famous athlete. Hoped to love it, but alas, no. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q276 NF, religion, not for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q275 literary, plot not interesting to me. Pass. #1000queries