Literary Agent
Q274 WF, a little too sentimental for me. One of 4 MCs shares name w/famous musician. Pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q273 crime fic set in Africa, not quite grabbing me. Editor I don't know recommended me? Hmm, OK. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q272 WF with a bit of adventure. Like the concept, but not the execution. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q271 psych thriller re:molestation. Don't want to read about that ever if possible. Pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q270 literary or thriller? Not sure, not that interesting. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q269 I have no idea what this is about, NA? 2 comps befuddle me. Though it must be a road trip novel, I think. Pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q268 query takes forever to get to the point. Literary, real public figure part of the plot, historical. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q267 Cozy w/angle I like, voice I don't. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q266 crime thriller, plot doesn't interest me. described as nihilistic, which is a little extreme for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q265 quirky literary fiction, a little too quirky for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q264 literary, coming of age in middle east, not grabbing me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q263 mystery, don't care for the voice. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q262 mystery set in NC, MC former cop, I like the voice, it has some grit. Request. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q262 WF, follows MC from childhood to adulthood, a bit complicated. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q261 supernatural thriller, historical, not my taste. Pass. 3/3 from same writer, same day. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q260 supernatural/paranormal romance, don't rep them. 2/3 from same writer, same day. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q259 historical mystery, not quite clicking for me. 1/3 from same writer on same day. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q258 YA mystery/romance/paranormal, not for me, too much at once, too long at 95k wds. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q257 expose re: former employer w/ big profile. I don't really have interest in the dirt being dug up here. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q256 literary/WF, not compelled by subject matter. Writer nudged me after 1 mo. Pass. #1000queries