Lynn Johnston Literary

Literary Agency

Lynn Johnston Literary is a literary agent in New York City representing nonfiction.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Literary Agent
Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

The #amquerying season has begun. If you're an author looking for an agent, my main #querytip is to ID agents in your genre. Don't waste your time to querying an agent w/o knowing their specialty. Don't assume.

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

If you're a person of color or from an underrepresented group, make it clear early in your query even if it has nothing to do with your book project. Agents & publishers are looking for projects by underrep authors. #querytip

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

When I get a query about a topic that sounds interesting, the next thing I need to know is more about the author. What’s their expertise? Why did they decide to write about this topic? All this has to be apparent in the query. #querytip

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips
Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Never say "trust me" in a #query. Agents don't trust anything. #querytip #amwriting

Lynn Jones Johnston
Literary Agent
#LiteraryAgent repping journalists, teachers, healers, thought leaders, fire breathers & all-around good people. Board @aalitagents . She/Her
118 Tips

Referrals almost always get quick attn. If you know someone who knows someone in publishing, use the connection. #querytip