Donaghy Literary Group
Literary Agency
Donaghy Literary Group provides full-service literary representation to our clients at every stage of their writing career. Specializing in commercial fiction, we seek young adult and adult novels.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#AskDLG our preferences are listed on each agent page on our site
Literary Agent
@jltoman83 Don't be nervous, practice your pitch and have fun! #AskDLG
Literary Agent
averyadamms @AveryAdamms
#ASKDLG Do all MS usually end up edited and revised somewhat as it leaves you and is published?@AveryAdamms Yes, some minimally others more extensive. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
L. Seabaugh, Killer of Beautiful Things @Imaginarialist
#askdlg Can you tell what kind of person a writer is by their query & does it influence your decision on the sub material?@Imaginarialist 2/2 If interested in offering we talk, you learn a lot by talking to people. We seek talented creative writers #AskDLG
Literary Agent
L. Seabaugh, Killer of Beautiful Things @Imaginarialist
#askdlg Can you tell what kind of person a writer is by their query & does it influence your decision on the sub material?@Imaginarialist Not sure how to answer this in twitter word count allotment. We base our initial decision on writing/project 1/2 #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Adana K. Washington @adanawashington
What are some SFF books that you've enjoyed lately? #AskDLG@adanawashington This is a great question for @NobleValerie #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Jessica Toman @jltoman83
If you pick up a client and later on they write something for a genre you're not interested in. Would you still rep it? #AskDLG@jltoman83 If the writing and story is amazing we would definitely consider it. Our goal is to rep for career of that writer #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Alexander Delaney @AlexanderSD89
@DonaghyLiterary @NobleValerie I've two novels to query simultaneously. Is it wrong to pseudonym and query them separately?@AlexanderSD89 @NobleValerie We ask for one sub at a time. Behold if we love your work we will find out it is you Bwaaah, haa, haa #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Elissa Dickey @ElissaDickey
Hi! Do you ever ask authors to revise and resubmit after making a request, and how do you decide? Thanks! #askdlg@ElissaDickey Sometimes. When I cannot let go of story but it needs further development. So not a pass but not an offer yet.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
@SolaraGordon I am also seeking #diversebooks in adult and YA, love cultural topic matter, LGBTQ, #AskDLG @sue_mill @NobleValerie
Literary Agent
Soknou❁King @DaemonsWriter
@DonaghyLiterary I saw mention of using Facebook as a starting writer's website, but, is it preferred to have a dedicated domain? #AskDLG@DaemonsWriter FB is a social tool, great for interacting live time and connecting with other writers/fans both have importance. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
What happens if no houses "bite" on the first go around when you're shopping a manuscript? #AskDLG@DustySpider We review and listen to the feedback, is there a common thread? Do we need to revisit MS? Is it market? #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Danielle Arie @DanielleArie
#AskDLGDo you consider yourselves editorial agents, and if so, to what degree/ where would you draw the line?
@DanielleArie Yes but more developmental and preparing for editors.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lydia Lukidis @LydiaLukidis
@NobleValerie Great! I was told agents prefer if a writer had several on the go, so I wasn't sure. #AskDLG@LydiaLukidis This speaks to wanting a writer who is looking to write long term, always having a story on the go is good.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Dylann Crush @DylannCrush
#askDLG How involved do you get in helping a new author forge a career path?@DylannCrush When we sign an author we work closely to help build and brand, we make recommendations for supports and future goals.#AskDLG
Literary Agent
Carol Anne Shaw @CarolAnneShaw
I've heard that diary-style books (YA) have been done 2 death yet there always seems 2 B a great one hitting the shelves. #AskDLG Thoughts?@DustySpider My kids read all the latest! For me it would really have to stand out and not be a repeat of what has been done. #AskDLG
Literary Agent
Lucas Pederson 👀 @pederson_lucas
Hey awesome agents! Do you see YA horror/dark fiction as a strong market? Also, what are your favorite narrative voices? #AskDLG@pederson_lucas I tend to lean to first person. YA horror/dark fiction not really my thing #AskDLG I lean to YA mystery/thriller