Nicole Payne

Literary Agent

Golden Wheat Literary

Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip My agent pet peeve is authors sending me the same query over & over again even though I’ve already rejected it every time. And no, 0 revisions have been done. So if you’re sending out mass queries, keep track where you’re sending it so it’s not blowing up agents’ slush.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip 1) Please don’t send me an email without the proper submission materials that are listed on my agency’s guidelines (query, synopsis, chapters in email’s body, etc). It shows me you actually did your research & that tells me so much about your character with just that.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip I feel like I need to say this again but your query is a reflection of you as a writer. It’s no different than if you were applying for a job. Because it is one. Both requires you to do your research and send in the requested materials in the right way it’s asked for.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

but never knowing about the story that makes it wonderful. I don't like being told the book is good. Let me judge it for myself. Instead, convince me it's good with how you paint the query and the story itself. It's like the whole don't tell but show when writing. Just show me.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

They're saying their work will be as big and amazing as *insert popular title here* and sometimes they even put how it's movie worthy. The other is when the query has absolutely nothing on what the story is actually about. It's tiring reading a query about how wonderful a book is

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip I've come to realize that two things always alert me of when I might not like a story before I've even read it. The first is when the query compares the story to popular works. And I don't mean that they're saying their story is similar to these popular works.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#agenttip #querytip I’ve been getting a lot of DMs w/unsolicited queries so I need to get some things off my chest. Please follow the proper methods when querying & make sure you read the submission guidelines. It’s your job as writers to be thorough & to be ready BEFORE querying

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip Please don’t send unsolicited queries to my direct email. Go through the agency and follow the guidelines. It makes the turnaround process smoother. If you want to make sure I’ve received your query you can always message me on Twitter and I’ll confirm for you.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

If you can't handle rejection or constructive criticism without responding bitterly, it'll be hard to become a better writer. #querytip

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

When you ask an writer to resend following the agency's guidelines and they resend but still don't follow them. *sighs* #agenting #querytip

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip Also when you submitting to agents, please, please, please follow their agency's guidelines. I can't stress this enough.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip Submitting directly to me when I didn't request it doesn't put you ahead of everyone else. I go in order of when I received them.

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @
13 Tips

#querytip Writers please tell what your story is about. I don't get anything from you telling me "stuff happens" or "the MC learns a lesson"