Amy Brewer
Literary Agent
Metamorphosis Literary Agency
(she/her) Wife,Mom,yoga teacher, Senior literary agent http:/ @metamorphlitag #amwriting π³οΈβπ#WritingCommunity @9princess4life

Literary Agent
Stephanie Theban @StephanieTheban
@42amer @JenSneedWrites @litbeing I can understand it must take a lot of time to do the polishing that a writer should do. #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I can't tell them how to write, just to explain to them that this is what sell and this is what doesn't. That is the difficult part, 99% of any rejection in this industry isn't personal and has nothing to do with the writer's skills or abilities.

Literary Agent
Stephanie Theban @StephanieTheban
@42amer @JenSneedWrites @litbeing I can understand it must take a lot of time to do the polishing that a writer should do. #okscbwichat#okscbwichat Sorry, I didn't get to this during the chat. I think it boils down to a misunderstanding of what an agent does. I'm here to sell writers' work and intempret the fluctuation and chaos in the publishing market.

Literary Agent
Samantha is feeling grateful @SamanthaGassman
#okscbwichat @42amerHi Amy, great to meet you and to see an agent in the Texoma area! (I'm in Wichita Falls). How do you feel about the PB biography space? Is it inundated or is there room to grow still? Thanks!
#okscbwichat Hmm, that's a tough one. It 100% depends on who the biography is about. I think there are loads of untold stories of unknown heroes and they need to be told. But if it is a PB of George Washington chopping down a cheery tree, that has been done to death.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer What's coming up next for you? What projects are you really excited about that you'd like to share with us? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I am also very excited for @swift_dana Swift's debut Cast in Firelight that releases this fall @DelacortePress.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer What's coming up next for you? What projects are you really excited about that you'd like to share with us? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I have so many talented authors that I work with this could be a long post. Next month Bobby Robot by @5HourNinja will launch with @INtensePub and I'm thrilled with that.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer What have you read lately that you absolutely loved/wanted to share with others? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat Yes, I made an offer on a manuscript a few hours ago. I can't wait to share t with the world. I've recently started signing and selling for illustrators and I'm thrilled to share their awesome art with the world.

Literary Agent
Jonathan Koelsch @jkArts
@42amer @JenSneedWrites @litbeing #okscbwichat Great thoughts Amy, thanks, and from chatting with you previously one can tell youβre very sincere about helping clients reach their dreams and super knowledgeable too! About the 90%-ready ms, is there any one thing you often see that shows an ms is NOT ready yet?#okscbwichat Great question! Yes, there are tons of things that show me when one isn't ready yet, stuff like shallow POV, weak verbs, dialogue tags (either too many or the wrong ones). Those stand out like red flags.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer You've mentioned being interested in cozy mysteries, #ownvoices nonfiction, and YA contemporary stories on your #mswl in the past, are you still looking for these stories as well? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat Yes, absolutely. I was trying to keep it in the #kidlit in my earlier answer. I would love some cozy mysteries with oddball characters like the show Psych. I am open to anything that piques my interest. But I'm overwhelmed with Fantasy and Sci-Fi at the moment.

Literary Agent
Hannah Miller @HRuthMiller
#okscbwichat #okscbwichat In Adult romance what do you define as a "sweet" romance? Is this something you represent? @42amer#okscbwichat Hi! If you think of sweet romance, think Hallmark movie. Sincere love with a kiss at the end.
Yes, I do represent sweet romance but my plate is full at the moment. I recommend you query @LaurenMillerMO with @MetamorphLitAg She is actively seeking sweet romance.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer Tell us about your process as an agent. What happens after you sign an author. What happens next? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I then work with the author to get the manuscript ready for submission. Then I send it out on submission and possible make some calls or pitch the work in person.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@BrobergMatthew @42amer Amy, what would you suggest to Matthew? Is it okay for him to ask for clarification when he's not sure about a critique/suggestion?#okscbwichat
#okscbwichat Yes, he is welcome to ask for clarification. Unfortunately, agents get constantly asked to rethink and explain and give free editorial advice. So many may not respond to unsolicited emails or multiple emails.

Literary Agent
Matthew Broberg-Moffitt π¦©π§© π πΉ π‘ @BrobergMatthew
@42amer, I am Autistic and I write picture books. I worry often that I am misunderstanding what Agents are telling me. I'm not sure where or what my question is, I'm sorry. *lol* #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I'm sorry to hear that, and I understand what you are saying. We give a lot of mixed messages and signals. We all have different opinions and strengths and it can get chaotic.

Literary Agent
Jennifer Sneed @JenSneedWrites
@42amer @litbeing #okscbwichat Sounds amazing. Would you describe yourself as an editorial agent who helps develop a promising work or one who is primarily focused on the business side is things?#okscbwichat I can only invest the time to do small edits these days. I'm looking for work that is at least 90% ready to go. I am looking for work that I think the world needs to see and If it needs extra help I will put in the time, but that isn't my usual.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer Conversely, what's likely to make you stop reading? Any read flags that can lead to an automatic pass from you? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I think the biggest issue I have is when I don't have a person to connect with I will stop. I will stop at bad grammar or unpolished work. My biggest pet peeve is the misuse of the word literally. It's fine for a YA character to use it in conversation, otherwise, NO

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer What really captures your attention when reading a manuscript? What keeps you turning the page and wanting more? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I fall in love with characters, even in kid lit. I have to be rooting for the character to win or learn or whatever. I want that character to feel real.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer I love that you talk about assisting your clients with "the stress and anxiety in this highly competitive industry". How else do you help your clients? What else makes you a unique agent? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I'm a cheerleader, I'm a very involved agent who not only wants my clients to succeed but I want them to be happy and fulfilled at the end of the day. Writing is HARD and all the rest of it shouldn't be so hard. I try to take the sting out of the industry.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer @StephanieTheban Do you think some writers just moved those stories over to adult novels? I've seen several YA authors make the leap to writing their first adult novels recently - Sara J Maas, Leigh Bardugo, for example. #okscbwichat#okscbwichat Yes, I have been telling authors for a couple of years to either age it up or age it down. The story remains the same, but publishers look at it as opening up a wider market.

Literary Agent
Valerie Lawson @litbeing
@42amer So as a published author yourself (with the book you co-wrote with fellow agent Patty Carothers, TEXTING PRINCE CHARMING) How do you find the balance between being a writer and being an agent? #okscbwichat#okscbwichat It is a difficult balance, I prioritize agenting mostly. Patty is the driver of our writing.

Literary Agent
Hi Jennifer, #okscbwichat I do have authors that write in both BUT... It is recommend that you write at least 7 books in one genre before you try to cross over. It also depends on the genre, DON'T write erotica and kid-lit!

Literary Agent
Stephanie Theban @StephanieTheban
Hi Amy. Iβve heard some say New Adult was a failed experiment. What are your thoughts. #okscbwichat#okscbwichat I'm not sure I would call it a failed experiment. But I think the industry was banking on the success of readers in their 20's and early 30's staying in the market and buying ebooks. The market has changed and moved on to audio books and podcasts