Stephany Evans
Literary Agent
Ayesha Pande Literary
Lit agent on the run. Love good food, good wine, good books, and good roads.

Literary Agent
selena @foldandgathers
What is the most difficult part of your job? #AskAPL#AskAPL I have quirky tastes and wide interests so getting in a project that I personally love and was glad to read, but know I won't be able to sell. 😢

Literary Agent
Gabriella Caballero @GabriellaCabal6
#AskAPL how many clients will an agent typically have at once? Do they take on less and less authors throughout their career, as their client list builds up?#AskAPL Due to limited bandwidth, certainly agents will take on fewer clients as their list grows - or as their list is comprised of very prolific clients who need more consistent attention.

Literary Agent
Bill Blume, The Lord of Chaos @BillTheWildcat
@agent_ayesha #AskAPL Would you say that’s true industry-wide, regardless of genre, or is the shorter word count you’re referring to here strictly for literary books?#AskAPL There are more fairly standard word count ranges in other categories. Lit fiction is a bit more flexible.

Literary Agent
carolyn wang @commabund
#AskAPL What mistakes do you see beginning writers make, in terms of both their writing and how they approach publishing?Writing: Not taking time to edit & polish before submitting.
Approach: Not getting it's a business & starting off w/ "I've been writing since I could hold a crayon" or "I've retired from 40 years in accounting and decided to write a book." Neither will help an agent sell. #AskAPL

Literary Agent
Chuck Dalldorf @ChuckDalldorf
Any advice for first time authors writing pitch/ query letters? It's been the toughest thing I have tried to write. Tricky balance between honesty and advocacy for my book.#Cheers and #Thanks for the #Twitter event @agent_ayesha -
I like to see character and what happens, along with word count and comp titles. You don't need to (and shouldn't) "advocate" for your novel. It's not up to you to review it. #AskAPL

Literary Agent
e nolan @normanuniform
My (literary) novel might end up being a little under 70,000 words. Will a word count that low worry an agent? Should I address it in my cover letter? Thanks! #AskAPLI'm personally fond of that word count and I don't think there is any bias in the category of literary fiction toward longer books. #AskAPL

Literary Agent
michael john downie @michaeljohndow2
@agent_ayesha @firerooster I have been told that the novel I wrote was well written, by agents such as Anne Hawkins, but there was no market in the US for such with an “Algerian” hero; should I repackage this time for the YA market?#AskAPL I am not the #YA expert but believe that like much of publishing there would be a hunger in that category for #OwnVoices. If you are not Algerian it could be tough.

Literary Agent
Gaby @gaby_reads
#AskAPL If you're a writer in the process of querying, then you see someone just got a book deal with a story that sounds very similar to your own... is that a good or a bad thing?#AskAPL This will depend on *how* similar and in what way. It can also depend on which publisher bought the book. Generally though it would be hard to place a nearly identical plot.