Alice Speilburg
Literary Agent
Speilburg Literary Agency
Literary Agent & Founder of Speilburg Literary Agency. Mother. Wife. Feminist. Ally. Kentuckian. She/her.
Literary Agent
Query pet peeve: When you send your query from someone else's email account. Email is free & an essential tool for an author. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Pr vs. Marketing: Novelists might be better off skipping the magazine pitches and printing ads instead.… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Lots of upcoming conferences, so I'm closed to queries for a while. Still want to pitch me? Check my schedule… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Find Your Writing Community in 5 steps #pubtip via @FierySeasPub
Literary Agent
For @bostwickAM, it's routine that keeps her typewriter clickety-clacking -- and making sure her cat is fed #pubtip…
Literary Agent
Don't use offensive language in your novel's first line. If I don't know the characters yet, the author is the insulting speaker. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Authors: Wait until January 12 to send me your queries! I'm closed to unsolicited submissions until then. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Seriously in my inbox, one line: "I need a literary agent please call me (phonenumber)" #imnotcalling #pubtip
Literary Agent
Authors: don't give me a pg count of your ms -- too many variants with font size/style, spacing, margins. Word count is standard. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Before you send your query, read it out loud. #PubTip More on Saturday @DetWkgWriters Workshop…
Literary Agent
Pulling together my notes for Mastering Your Query #PubTip: Identify your book's hook; unique how? via @DetWkgWriters
Literary Agent
If you self-pub'd the 1st book in a trilogy, don't query me about the 2nd or 3rd. Query the 1st or start something new. #pubtip