Jennifer Wills
Literary Agent
The Seymour Agency
#literaryagent at The Seymour Agency. Past lives: Writers House, Trident Media Group. She/her. Queries:

Literary Agent
Peter Knapp @petejknapp
Dialogue tip: If your dialogue is getting a touch too stilted because characters are too direct or expository in what they say, try rewriting the dialogue around the facts, and let your reader fill in the negative space. The best text is often subtext.This is great advice! Make your readers do some of the work. An engaged reader will find it harder - if not impossible - to put your book down. #amwriting #writingtips #writingtip #pubtip

Literary Agent
Debbie Ridpath Ohi @inkyelbows
Writers/illustrators: Focus on enjoying your OWN journey instead of comparing yourself to others. You may be luckier than you think. writers/illustrators: print this and hang it in every room of your home! #amwriting #pubtip #writingtips #querytips #querytip

Literary Agent
Emily Colin @emilyacolin
As a 1st time #PitchWars mentor, I’m grateful to everyone who subbed to me. This decision was tough, & as much about goodness of fit (1/22)Lovely #pitchwars thread here, and good advice for staying positive while querying agents as well! #amwriting #pubtip

Literary Agent
Elizabeth Law @ElawReads
"Revisions are like cleaning a toilet. You can't make it worse!" @hollyblack @planetalvina #BEA2017 #bookexpo2017I don't completely agree with this- I have seen writers "break" their books. But you can always "flush" bad changes! #pubtip #writingtips

Literary Agent
Drew Daywalt @DrewDaywalt
Dunno if you know this but The Day The Crayons Quit was rejected by every publisher for 6 yrs before it sold to @PhilomelBooks #keepwritingHave heart, writers. Many, many writers had the same start and became huge successes. You only need one YES. #writingtips #pubtip #amwriting

Literary Agent
Naomi Hughes @NaomiLHughes
As an editor, I find myself spotting a few of the same big-picture issues over and over. So, a quick thread!Writers, read this and PAY ATTENTION!!! #writingtips #amwriting #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Phil Giangrande @SeatedWriters
#podcast #writing #writingtips #seatedatthewritertable, learning, and dreaming about your craft all mean nothing if you're not PRACTICING it. #amwriting #pubtip #writingtips

Literary Agent
Alison Weiss @alioop7
Ms formatting basics for submission: 12 point font. (I prefer Times New Roman, but something clean. Don't get fancy.} Double spaced.Pretty please follow these formatting gyuidelines! #querytip #amwriting #pubtip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks
Actual footage of a literary agent sending an author out on submission: Although there should be a speech bubble with a prayer in it. #pubtip #amagenting #wheeeeeeeeee

Literary Agent
Tessa Emily @tessaemilyhall
The Slow Publishing Process - Books & Such Literary Management #pubtips #askanagentAuthor friends! No matter where you are in your writing journey, here's a great post on slow publishing timeframes. Patience=virtue. #pubtip

Literary Agent
Phil Giangrande @SeatedWriters #podcast #seatedatthewriterstable #writing #writingtipsGreat list! I'd add #26: it's worth it and #27: the world needs your novel. #writingtips, #pubtip

Literary Agent