Shannon Hassan
Literary Agent
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency @MarsalLyonLit ; Board member @DairyArts .
Literary Agent
#querytip: Include query letter in body of your email, not as an attachment. Agents may not open an attachment from someone they don't know!
Literary Agent
Struggling with your opening pages? 50 agents weigh in on what works (and doesn't) for them: #querytip @atrueblood5
Literary Agent
Helpful article on comp titles:… #writing #querytip
Literary Agent
An effective query starts with a hook. Not with an excerpt, a detailed synopsis, or why you wrote the book. Get right to the hook. #querytip
Literary Agent
[2/2] Q: Do you like seeing really creative formats for queries? A: No, better to follow submission guidelines & keep it simple. #querytip
Literary Agent
Sharing a couple of questions from last night’s Agent Q&A--Q: Do you need to prepare a book proposal for a memoir? A: Yes. #querytip [1/2]