Ella Kennen

Literary Agent

Corvisiero Literary Agency

Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips
Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

Friendship, love, magic, mystery, adventure... Great story elements, but as far as *words* go, they make for very vague pitches. #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

Yes, interesting things happen when people move. But please don't make me read another submission that opens w/ someone moving... #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

If you must title-drop in your query: correct = "It's like x meets y." incorrect = "It's like best sellers a, b, c, only better." #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

I love reading submissions that clearly match what I'm looking for, even if they end up being a pass. #writing #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

Author hopeful @sonicshrew preps to submit. Headache-inducing process, but effort makes a huge difference: bit.ly/1tQ8nvv #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

FYI, mentioning Twilight, the Hunger Games, *and* Divergent in the first sentence of your query will make most agents weep. #querytip

Ella Kennen
Literary Agent
Kidlit, graphic novel, and NF Literary Agent @CorvisieroLit , #WeNeedDiverseBooks advocate, writer of #pubtips /#querytips and blogger @RateYourStory
51 Queries
27 Tips

#Querytip from @RateYourStory: The unpublished #writer guide to writing about yourself:bit.ly/U9mJuI