Alexandra Penfold

Literary Agent

Upstart Crow Literary

Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Khadijah L. VanBrakle 馃嚚馃嚘 @LVanBrakle

@mikalroy Sorry my question was confusing. I wanted to know I'd you would ever see an author's post about what they're querying and ask them (over Twitter) to query you the normal way.
Replying to @LVanBrakle

Sure, if something looked great! But...take your time, read up on the agent and if you aren't ready to query just yet or have other agents you'd like to sub to at the same time, say I will definitely keep you in mind when my manuscript is ready to go! #AskUpstart

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Angie Hawkins @th_littlebirdie

#AskUpstart #askagent What is Upstart's submission policy on significantly revised mss (pb's in this case) that have previously been submitted in the past?
Replying to @th_littlebirdie

Did the agent provide feedback? How extensive was the revision? With picture books the big question for me is: do I want to read it again & again & again? Did that major overhaul dig deeper into a universal truth that makes readers think or feel? #AskUpstart

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
80 Tips
Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Lynn Rogalsky 馃捇 @lynn_rog

#AskUpstart I'm wondering what the limit is on the number of illustrator notes a writer can tactfully include in their manuscript? One to three notes per MS?
Replying to @lynn_rog

Illustration notes should typically be confined to things that are integral to understanding the story, but will only be shown in the art (i.e. the joke is that everything in the art is opposite what's being laid out in the text). 1/2 #AskUpstart

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Khadijah L. VanBrakle 馃嚚馃嚘 @LVanBrakle

Is there anything specific that you want authors who query one of you to know? Something we can't find out from social media. #askupstart
Replying to @LVanBrakle

Because of bandwidth and my commitments to clients I do have to pass on projects that I think are terrific. I know how disappointing passes are but sometimes it's a matter of timing. #AskUpstart

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Stephanie Salkin @StephanieSalkin

What is the market for fractured fairy tales? #askUpstart
Replying to @StephanieSalkin

I think fractured fairytales can be fun but your take has to be truly unique and fresh because the backlist is so strong in this genre.

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
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Cara Liebowitz @spazgirl11

If you're unclear on the feedback an agent offers on your full, is it appropriate to email back and ask for clarification? I often find when agents offer feedback I'm not entirely sure what they mean. #askupstart
Replying to @spazgirl11

If they gave specific feedback re something they'd like to see changed in a revision for possible resubmission,
I think it's fine to ask. I think there's a difference between broad feedback (the character needs greater depth) & confusing feedback, if that makes sense.

Alexandra Penfold
Literary Agent
Literary agent, NY Times Bestselling children's book author, maker of donuts + pies, lover of coffee.
8 AskAgent
80 Tips

Stephanie Salkin @StephanieSalkin

Do you like rhyming picture books, if the rhyme is truly good? #AskUpstart
Replying to @StephanieSalkin

Rhyming texts need to be *fun* to read aloud. Too often the story is contorted to hit the next rhyme.