Terrie Wolf

Literary Agent

AKA Literary Management

Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

You must have the courage to change the way your story ends. #amwriting #agentlife #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Gentle reminder: there's a reason it's called "social media" rather than "Book Buying Guilt Fest." Things need to change if your feed so much as slightly resembles the following. #MondayMotivation #PubTip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Submission instructions stink. Rejection stinks worse. #amwriting #amquerying #pubtip #JustDoIt

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Recent #submissions trends rec'd in #YA, #Romance and #WF: 1) Male protag: Jax 2) Female protag: Begins with "A" 3) Popular locale: NYC, Portland, Las Vegas 4) Lots of simple issues that could be managed with one real discussion. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips
Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

What sets your story apart from others? If you can't tell me, I can't tell the world. #AgentLife #PubTip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

When you mention your past publishing success, also let me know if it was written under another name. I want to know you. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Listen when agents say submissions are closed. Otherwise, your hard work may be ignored. Worse, it might be rejected. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Jumping on my #submissions soapbox. Your query letter is your calling card. Inspect it as if it might be your one and only shot. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Gentle reminder: calling me names & requesting I take part in vile actions may not convince me I need your submission. #pubtip #agentlife

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

You know, personalized rejection letters are your key to better writing. Don't read in what isn't there. Rather, glean tidbits. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

You guys, seriously...if the work isn't finished don't pretend that little aspect will go undetected. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Rejection isn't the end. It's part of the tailoring process. Your perfect editor, that perfect fit, is there. Patience wins. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Sometimes we simply love a work but are unable to offer representation. Don't walk away angry, you've made impact! #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Many agents and editors are attending #writing conferences. We look forward to time spent with your submission too. #WaitingIsHard #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

I question whether nine year old boys use words like spiffy, verisimilitude or dexterous. Go for #real over #impressive. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

If your work is way similar to more than three very popular hits, you might consider making changes to alleviate disappointment. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Sometimes what looks like rejection is really invitation to connect again on better terms or at a better time. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

Children are quite capable of embracing plot and subplot. Remember, their brains are built for possibility. #pubtip

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

If you can't decide whether you attended #Gonzaga or #Godzilla perhaps it's best to leave that little tidbit off your query. #pubtip