Literary Agent
Q3: YA contemp. Edgy content not normally something I'd read anyway. Loaded first line & subsequent dialogue. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: MG/YA Fantasy. MC transported to other world / Chosen One theme. Somewhat compelling, but writing sample lacked oomph. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q1: YA Fantasy. Dragon-slaying & magic (ok), very high word count (not ok), not unique enough to stand out from comp titles. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Not bad overall - one out of 10. Hope to get caught up on submissions over the next week and get everyone some answers. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q10: Opens with a man being choked to death with a necktie. Brilliant description. Am requesting more for sure. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: Horror novel. The beginning is really gross. I want to see what happens next, but no way I can sell this, so I'm passing. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: 20K word middle grade. That's on the short side unless it's an early reader/chapter book, and that's not quite what I want. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: MG time travel book. I already have one on my list, and time travel books are tricky. You need to keep track of everything. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: Draws attention to protag's sexuality adversely. Gay characters shouldn't have a neon "I'M GAY!" sign above their heads. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: Romance trying to pass as thriller. Romance trying to pass as anything besides romance is on my Manuscript Shit List. #MSSL #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: HF that takes place in Ancient Greece. I personally prefer my historical fiction to involve America/Americans in some way. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: Thriller. First two pages are told from the POV of the bullet as it travels out of the gun and into the victim. Doesn't work #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: 1st person, narrator's voice sounds like a barfly at a local drinking hole. Cool if done right, but it doesn't work here. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q1: Police procedural that introduces the antagonist as a black man with saggy pants, a do-rag, and a glock. Stereotype much? #tenqueries
Literary Agent
OK, that's my #tenqueries. I have now responded to all queries through 9/11, not including partial and full requests. Have a good weekend!
Literary Agent
Q10: Fantasy novel. And no, my profile does not say I'm looking for fantasy - mainly because I'm not looking for fantasy. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: GREAT idea - boy discovers his local dog rescue is a front for dog fighting, seeks to stop it - but the writing isn't there. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: Mystery. Dead girl in a ditch, police tape, two cops standing over the body, aka every opening of Law and Order ever. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Hey, a CIA operative with a drug problem! What a new idea! I hope there's a sexy love interest and a massive conspiracy too #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: Author acknowledged that I don't want terrorist thrillers, then queried me with his terrorist thriller. My eye is twitching. #tenqueries