Literary Agent
Q2: ...and, on the other end of the spectrum: this query letter is WAY too long—unfocused and unedited. Pass.
Literary Agent
Q1: Pass. Word count under 40k for YA—way too short.
Literary Agent
Q9: Dark, magical summer-camp MG. Might not be right, but I'm intrigued. Req. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: Author who has "let his agent go." Subbed litfic, which I don't rep. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: WF. Well-written, but ultimately lacks a spark. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: Greek gods YA. Not too enthused. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: Dystopian YA. Meh. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: C Romance. Very familiar tropes, but has the potential to be really interesting. Req partial #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: self-pubbed MS. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q2: Young SF YA with lots of fun, non-traditional elements. Request! #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q1: R with time travel, which I'm a bit sick of lately. Pass. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
That's my #tenqueries. Nothing to request today-oh well. I am also caught up w/ my queries through 4/30, not including partial/full requests
Literary Agent
Q10: MG superhero story "with series potential." I always advise authors to worry about a book "with selling potential" first. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q9: Pages contain many MBs of photos and are attached as a .zip file. Don't make it complicated for agents to get to your stuff. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q8: Thriller, former military specialist sucked into a government plot. An oft-used plotline in a highly oversaturated market. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q7: Sports book about great MLB coaches. Survey books are a very hard sell, as they are now best done as an internet slide show. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q6: Called me Alex; happens all the time and isn't enough to condemn a MS, but no query should have 3 exclamation points. Pass #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q5: No introductory paragraph, just a synopsis and signature; clearly a C+P email blast. This happens way more than it should #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q4: MG sports mystery. RIGHT up my alley, but the writing isn't quite there. #tenqueries
Literary Agent
Q3: Vampire query. Not for me. I've just had my fill of vampires. And angels, demons, etc. #tenqueries