BONUS!! Q11: Sub guidelines not followed & no query letter, so I have no idea what category or genre this is. Pass. #tenqueries

Q10: YA suspense. Sub guidelines followed (YAY!) Questionable content for CF. Word count is extremely low for genre. Pass. #tenqueries

Q9: Adult mystery. Sub guidelines followed (YAY). Query jumps around & feels like it's pitching 2 different stories. Too much backstory in opening pages. Couldn't become engaged. Pass. #tenqueries

Q8: NF, which we no longer publish. No query. Sub guidelines not followed. Pass. #tenqueries

Q7: Adult genre fiction. Sub guidelines followed. Concept is intriguing & tackles a subject I'm fascinated with. Book is currently self-published, though. Pass. #tenqueries

Q6: Adult RS. Solid query. Sub guidelines followed (YAY!) Clear faith elements (double YAY!) Writing is good and engaging w/ a unique setting. FULL REQUEST :-) #tenqueries

Q5: Fantasy but unclear if it's A or YA. Query is much too long (reads more like a synopsis). All guidelines followed (YAY!) Writing isn't quite there yet--too much telling / filtering with not enough world building. Pass w/ notes. #tenqueries

Q4: Adult, but not sure of genre. Query spends more time talking about the author & film possibilities rather than telling me what the book is about. No pages included. Pass. #tenqueries

Q3: No query letter, so I have no idea what genre this is or if we even publish it. Didn't follow sub guidelines. Pass. #tenqueries

Q2: NF, which we no longer publish. No query letter, and didn't follow sub guidelines. Pass. #tenqueries

Q1: NF (?) Query is a bit vague in terms of genre, but based on the pitch, the content is outside of our guidelines. Pass #tenqueries

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 10: Picture Book. Though this sounds like a cute story, I’m not actively looking for picture books for my list at this time. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 9: YA Contemporary. While reading this query, I felt like I was being pitched two very different stories, neither of which was compelling enough on its own, but which also did not seem to work together cohesively. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 8: MG Contemporary. This pitch feels adventurous as it pushes boundaries to ensnare the reader in young love, secrets, and life in a small town. The first pages are good, and I’m intrigued enough to want to read more. Request.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 7: Adult Non-Fiction. I'm not currently seeking nonfiction. This query also didn't have any pages attached, and focused too heavily on the authors’ bios, but not enough on the content of the proposal. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 6: Adult Speculative. This is definitely more dystopian, and familiar in such a way that I don't think I can make it work in today's market. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 5: Adult Fiction. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of plot here, and what is there doesn’t give enough specifics to allow the reader to infer what’s happening clearly enough. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 4: MG Mystery. I love a good MG detective story, but the story and personal stakes here felt too small -- as far as I can tell, if he were to quit pursuing the investigation, his life would go on just the same. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 3: MG Magical Realism. This story is too short for a MG novel, and the pitch unfolded in a way that made it difficult to parse through what the main plot line really was. Pass.

Literary Agent
#tenqueries 2: YA Speculative. There was no genre given, so I inferred speculative based off the pitch, which I found to be a bit too long-winded, and a little confusing. Pass.