Kara Leigh Miller
YA author of #TheCursedSeries . Pit Bull Lover. Cat hoarder. Fibro Warrior. Editorial Director for @Anaiahpress .
31 Queries
26 Tips

Q1: Cozy Mystery. Solid query w/ good WC. Interesting premise. Love the setting. Didn't follow sub guidelines--we don't open unsolicited attachments :-( #tenqueries Will encourage author to re-sub correctly so I can see sample pages. #Undecided

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q10: WF. Chick-lit vibes, made me laugh and connect to the character immediately in the query, and the writing sample reflected that same voice & humor. Partial. #tenqueries #querywin

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q9: YA Contemp. The labels and representation in this project made me cringe. The sensitivity to cultural, racial, and ethnic identity was completely tossed aside. Oof. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q8: The writer wanted to form their own genre. No plot or characters or themes/tropes. Required a huge disclaimer for the "story" in order for me to "get it." I guess I don't get it. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q7: YA Contemp. If I spend more time thinking of how I'd edit the query & sample pages to make it more commercially appealing and marketable, then it's not ready. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q6: YA F. A fairy-tale retelling through a villain's perspective, though connections to the original are loose and the ms sounds like it could stand on its own legs, no retelling disclaimer necessary. Intrigued. Partial. #tenqueries #querywin

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q5: An email briefly stating the writer got their rights back and wanted to know if I'd be interested in representing them. Nothing about the project, no pitch, nada. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q4: HF. Incredible endeavor, includes time travel. The HF concept was neat, the time travel justification weak. HF can be just as compelling without a modern-day time traveling character. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q3: YA HF/F. Super awesome concept and well-written query, but the writing in the query's sample pages needs extensive editorial work. Not quite ready. Pass. #tenqueries

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q2: HF. The query was clean, read like a book jacket, shared just enough for me to be intrigued. Bonus points for badass women in history doing awesome things. Partial. #tenqueries #querywin

Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

Q1: Writer queried me 3 diff projects (in genres/formats I do not rep) within 5 minutes of each other. Best to query one project, wait for response, and wait a good time frame (typically months) before querying another. Pass. #tenqueries

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Fantasy (witches). Pages pasted into body; the author doesn’t read sub guidelines. Plot is very familiar but needs a twist to make it stand out. Good try though! #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Humor (?). Two-sentence pitch consisted of telling me they’d found me on Facebook and wanted to know if I’d be interested or if someone else would. #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Adult horror/crime/thriller. Pitch sent by a representative of the author, it makes me wonder if they’re too busy to deal with the actual business of writing. Has no idea what genre it belongs in. #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Women’s fiction (witches). Solid query, this author has done her homework on what I’m currently looking to add to my list and stands out from others with similar pitches. #request

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: NF. Proposal pasted into body: Author doesn’t pay attention to sub guidelines. Promises of ancient technology that no one can utilize to accompany the book. Writing is not quite there yet. #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: MG fantasy. Such a cute concept but just misses the market right now so it’s a regretful #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Adult horror. Pages pasted into body shows me the author doesn’t read sub guidelines. No personalization, obvious cut/paste. Voice didn’t hook me enough to request more pages. #pass

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: Contemp fantasy: This type of fantasy isn’t my bag, but the plot was solid enough that another RSL agent may like it. #forwarded

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her threeseasagency.com
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#tenqueries: MG comedy. MS is a little on the wordy side but the query was well-written and true to the story’s format. I also snorted while reading it and woke up my turtle. Always a good sign. #request