Literary Agent
Q345: Sucker for a good circus/carnival book. Request. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q344: Rom from someone I met at a conference. Req full. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q343: YA retelling, but didn't knock my socks off. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q342: Romance. Way too long and heavy for my taste. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q341: Thinking of @JennieGoloboy as I turn down yet ANOTHER MG/YA with magical jewelry. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q340: YA. Basically the perfect query, but isn't quite quirky enough for my list. Regretful pass. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q339: query had me until it claimed to be for MG, YA, and adult audiences. Pass. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q338: MG. Sent it on to the rest of the Sofa. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q337: If you've sent an agent 5 books, and you've gotten a form rejection every time, then they're not right for you #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q336: an issue book for adults! Still no. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q335: My nails on a chalkboard? Beginning a query with "imagine a world" #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q334: WF. I am no longer open to queries for women's fic. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q332: Query letter attached. I don't open attachments unless I ask for them. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q331: F. Got bored 1/3 of the way through. Pass. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q333: Supernatural NA. Very stilted language in the query. Pass. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q330: That moment when someone's bio is so, so obviously fake. #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q329: Romantic thriller that had a self-pubbed prequel and is actually fantasy. What? #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q328: SF teaching people about the author's philosophy. No. #500queries #everyquery.
Literary Agent
Q327: "The perfect fiction novel." You don't say! *headdesk* #500queries #everyquery
Literary Agent
Q326: MG teaching proper moral conduct through "lessons." NO. #500queries #everyquery