Literary Agent
Q344: I don't want to read a book w/ male MC "falsely accused of rape" I like to keep the victim blaming out of my fiction #500queries

Literary Agent
Q343: Romantic suspense. Heavy on the suspense. i prefer the other way around. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q342: SF that made no sense. Literally was not a plot or a coherent thread throughout. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q341: Really great-sounding YA magical realism, but I'm not too interested in MR right now. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q340: C YA. Super interesting subject matter, but the query felt a little didactic and didn't grab me. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q339: seeing lots of Peter Pan retellings. Which is cool, but it was never a story I loved. Except for Rufio. He was the shit. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q338: Funny MG fantasy. With magic and evil villains. *grabby hands* #500queries

Literary Agent
Q337: WF magical realism. Not in my wheelhouse. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q336: SF. Not punchy or quirky enough for me. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q335: YA F. With angels. And with a 16yo MC with a "natural beauty" and yet is totally focused on scho—*snore* #500queries

Literary Agent
Q334: I'm always SUPER skeptical when an author puts their logline into the subject line. They're never good. #pubtip #500queries

Literary Agent
Q333: Fun SF set in space! Yay! *grabby hands* #500queries

Literary Agent
Q332: As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to be giving a blanket "no" to all MG/YA about superheroes. #iloveyoumarvel #500queries

Literary Agent
Q331: YA. Sexy mysterious boy, average girl, and all the sentences have the same structure. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q330: WF. Non-traditional gender roles, lighthearted, but something I haven't seen before! Request! #500queries

Literary Agent
Q329: YA romance--I don't rep straightforward YA romance--not a huge fan of puppy love. I need extra STUFF in my YA R #500queries

Literary Agent
Q328: UF is a really hard sell for me right now—needs to be something I never would have thought of before! This is not that. #500queries.

Literary Agent
Q327: another query that's all about how much the author loves to write. Duh. No one writes a book to punish themselves #500queries

Literary Agent
Q326: But really you guys. Stop sending me books about sentient penises. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q325: YA. Blergh. #pubtip: if you describe your MC as average, I get bored and won't be motivated to read further. #500queries