Literary Agent
Q45: Rom. Not fun or sexy. Mechanical and awkward, instead. I actually grimaced. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q44: UF. Interesting premise, but women in the book are cardboard sex kittens, rather than characters. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q43: SF query passed on from @JennieGoloboy. Lots of heart + spaceships = sold. Req partial #500queries

Literary Agent
Q42: C Rom. Query makes the story seem awfully generic. Also, it wasn't proofread. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q41: It seems I'm allergic to MG manuscripts that are too twee and precious. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q40: C YA. No idea who the MC is, only what the ~important themes and lessons~ are for the book. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q39: A UF. Interesting plot, but the MC seems like an unlikable sad-sack. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q38: YA. Totally had me with the superhero stuff, until it mentioned there was werewolves/vamps/shapeshifters. #sad #500queries

Literary Agent
Q37: YA but it's about college but the protagonist is 28 #confused. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q36: C Rom. Hero is blue collar and utterly charming. I'm all for taking a break from mysterious billionaires. Req. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q35: Cute adventure MG, but the author just HAD to include a Chosen One plot line. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q34: pitch that sounded like a MG. Book is 114k long. #confused #500queries

Literary Agent
Q33: [rhetorical question] + BEHOLD! + [vampires are the answer] = rejection #500queries

Literary Agent
Q32: PB (which I don't rep) and crappy art. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q31: Hard SF (I prefer soft) with a lot of vague world info, none about the characters. Pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q30: 60k MG. Orphan who discovers special powers. Too long and too familiar. Pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q29: YA spanning several years, including going into adulthood. YA should have a short timespan. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q28: 120k military romance. Uh, no. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q27: MG historical. Not too big into that, plus it's a little too precious for my taste. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q26: MG sold as Labyrinth meets Jumanji. Yes please. Request partial. #500queries