Literary Agent
Q80: This SF had not a ton wrong with it, but it didn’t grab me. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q79: Depending on how it’s written, this could either be a romantic thriller or a thriller with romance. I only rep the former, but I like the concept, so I’m willing to bite. Request. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q78: This YA SF is dark and twisty and fun and I wants it! Request! #500queries

Literary Agent
Q77: Not addressed to me. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q76: I’m never going to request a SFF novel that puts down other SFF novels. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q75: MG. Do not rep. Pass #500queries

Literary Agent
Q74: Biographical erotica. Nope nope nope pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q73: This SF query had no mention of a protagonist. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q72: MG. Do not rep. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q71: This F very well could be excellent, but I couldn’t quite get my head wrapped around the world, and thus, the story. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q70: I was given a lot of Big Plot Points in this SF query, but it was missing the connective tissue that brings it all together and creates the tension. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q69: I like a LOT about this F, but the worldbuilding is a big missing piece. Regretfully, I passed. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q68: OBSESSED with the magic system in this F. Request! #500queries

Literary Agent
Q67: This YA query just didn’t make any sense. Mostly syntactically, but otherwise as well. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q66: This is one of those “feminist” SF books that’s not actually feminist at all. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q65: MG, Do not rep. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q64: This SF could go very poorly, but I want to give more SF thrillers a chance, so I’ll bite. Request. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q63: MG. Do not rep. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q62: YA para. Super repetitive query. Pass. #500queries

Literary Agent
Q61: there’s no other way I can think of describing this SF other than “Bro-y.” Pass. #500queries