Literary Agent
Q405: I love a YA thriller, but this one was missing the YA part. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q404: I’m a sucker for a good heist, kids. Especially in space. Request. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q403: I will never, never request a YA that shames the MC for being too “girly”. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q402: Two lines of plot summary isn’t enough to get me to request anything. Sorry. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q401: already pubbed AND I was BCCed. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q400: I like cross-genre books, but this one felt like instead of being able to attract readers of all genres, it would fall flat across those audiences. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q399: I pretty much have a blanket no on all human trafficking books. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q398: Issue book YA. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q397: #ownvoices is not a genre. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q396: A snotty note at the end of a query about how you don’t like form rejections is not a way to get anything other than a form rejection. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q395: I’m not sure what this is, but it’s definitely not a romance. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q394: A concept I was DYING for for a C YA, but it’s paranormal, which I'm not great at. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q393: WF pitched as romance. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q392: I’m not convinced the author of this C YA has ever met a teenage girl. Or read YA. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q391: Protip: mansplaining what SF is to me will not get you a request. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q390: Robot-y SF. I need a really fresh hook to be interested in new AI arguments. This felt a bit tired. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q389: YA road trip stories are hard for me. This one was way too vague to ever be in the running. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q388: hard SF YA with a good ticking clock and some morally ambiguous protagonists. Request! #500queries
Literary Agent
Q387: This YA portal fantasy just didn’t grab me. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q386: More Greek myths. Pass. #500queries