Literary Agent
Q3: Vagueness in your query will never help you. This had a SF meeting of two alien cultures...but I didn’t learn anything about them, or the MCs. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
SF. Full of typos and lots of different font sizes. Also super misogynistic--that’s three strikes. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q1: Gonzo-y SF that does wonky stuff with time. A very hard sell, and this query didn’t quite manage it for me. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
And starting March 1, #500queries will be back!
Literary Agent
Zats all, folks! Thanks for tuning in to this round of #500queries. If you want more, tune into @printrunpodcast!
Literary Agent
Q500: I’m super picky with dragons, and this one didn’t make the cut. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q499: Romance not properly structured for a romance. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q498: holy adjectives, Batman. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q497: teenage superheroes. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q496: Not personalized. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q495: do not email asking us how to query. I am not google. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q494: Just when I thought I had escaped the thriller, I realize I will never escape. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q493: querying more than one project is an auto-no #500queries
Literary Agent
Q492: oh-oh dreeeeam weaver, I’m believe I’m tired of reading youuuuuuu #500queries
Literary Agent
#500queries 2017 is ending TOMORROW! If you need more, check out where the tweets leave off—full query critiques!
Literary Agent
Q491: YA that DEFINITELY should be adult. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q489: for YA Problem Novels, I’m looking for nuance, and this doesn’t have any. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q488: Super clumsy query for some sort of SF. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q487: Super vague SF query. Pass. #500queries
Literary Agent
Q486: this SF is too close to real life for me. Pass. #500queries