Literary Agent
Here are two successful query letters that got book deals (just to take away a bit of the PASS sting): #10queriesIn10tweets ...

Literary Agent
Good #10queriesIn10tweets y'all - thank you! Yes, I know it's tough to see 10 passes, I'm sorry. #queries

Literary Agent
#10 = urban fantasy. Not strong enough sense of story or world. Lots of details on hero but not on his story. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#9 = fantasy. I don't buy the inciting incident...I don't believe heroine would pursue this kind of action. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#8 = science fiction. Weak writing. Incomplete sentences, poor grammar and no sense of story. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#7 = YA fantasy. Lots of interesting elements but writing is run-on sentences + rambling. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#6 = fantasy. Confusing pitch that doesn't explain conflict, character or world clearly. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
ps. not nailing genre isn't, necessarily, a deal-breaker as it's a common mistake. But this query also had weak writing #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#5 = lists fantasy, science fiction and young adult. In reading query, is probably adult SF but a short one. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#4 = fantasy romance. Heroine is teenager which is really off-trope for romance. Also, weak writing. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#3 = dystopian young adult. Short descriptions of protagonists and world but not enough about plot. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#2 = no genre listed and query says, "for fans of anyone who likes fiction." Don't do this folks. Nail your genre! PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#1 = contemporary YA. Lots of plot elements listed but none big enough to be a hook. Too much internal conflict. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
A #10queriesIn10tweets teaser = original query for THE INTERMINABLES along with my notes: writersdigest.com/online-exclusi…

Literary Agent
Well done y'all! Another great #10queriesIn10tweets - thanks!

Literary Agent
#10 = contemporary romance. Oh My GOSH SO GOOD! Clear, compelling, chemistry, story, hook, writing, everything! ACCEPT! #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#9 = YA fantasy. Writing feels too flowery - like it's trying too hard/ not organic. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#8 = YA science fiction. Doesn't feel like YA or SF - characters are too old and not clear on world building. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#7 = contemporary romance. Too much backstory and internal conflict. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets

Literary Agent
#6 = epic fantasy. Lots of backstory and not a clear enough/ big enough hook. PASS #10queriesIn10tweets