Literary Agent
Q765 comic mystery, query takes too long to get to plot. Not compelled. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q764 dystopian YA, don't rep it and it's a tough sell now too. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q763 thriller, magical realism and fantasy elements. Too many fantasy elements for me (don't rep it). pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q762 thriller, comps to DaVinci Code, copies it a bit too much. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q761 mystery, sisters, 1 takes other's place, not fresh or compelling enough for me. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q760 time-traveling, Greek mythology, NYC, not for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q759 WF, 130k+ words, 1960s Massachusetts, plot seems too complex for my taste. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q758 confusing query for what appears to be an inspirational film. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q757 WF, didn't follow sub guidelines, ms much too short, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q756 self-pubbed memoir, wish it hadn't been pubbed yet. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q755 cozy mystery, interesting concept but didn't fall in love w/the writing. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q754 suspense/thriller, serial killer, female FBI, love the idea but not the execution, unfortunately. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q753 Women's fic, orphaned young woman, sailing motif, not for me. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q752 query for 3 part memoir & lit fic re:famous artist. lit fic title makes me cringe. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q752 poli thriller, plot & writing unappealing to me. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q751 political thriller, seems well-informed but I don't like these types of books, alas. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q750 speculative political thriller, not my cup of tea. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q749 satirical novel w/crude title. Not me in any way. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q748 historical, 1950s, mystery, reminds me too much of Dan Brown. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q748 literary/women's, marriage disintegrating, flashbacks. Non-linear use of time not appealing to me. Pass. #1000queries