Literary Agent
Q649 literary, set in Africa, wanted to love it but don't, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q648 women's fic, suddenly single 40-something, reinvention, I see LOTS of these and don't really respond to them. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q647 women's fic, nice setting, language too flowery, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q646 literary mystery, setting and writing not for me, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q645 literary, dark suspense, not quite connecting with MC, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q644 mystery, mc has repressed memories of sexual abuse. next! #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q643 southern historical wf, just not for me, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q642 literary mystery, odd, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q641 mystery, not loving the premise, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q640 terrorism thriller, not my bag. pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q639 British trad mystery, gruesome, writing OK, don't love it, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q638 mystery, like the setting but not the protagonist, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q637 literary, yeshiva setting, not quite me, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q636 women's fic, long lost love, good concept, ok writing. like, but don't love, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q635 women's fic, too sentimental for my tastes, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q634 new adult, don't love it, au argued w/my rejection #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q633 romance, don't rep it #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q632 literary ghost story, I don't connect with it, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q631 thriller, not enticed by subject or writing, pass #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q630 psych suspense, too romancey for me, pass #1000queries