Literary Agent
Q549 WWII espionage. That's all I needed to know to pass. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q548 thriller, female vet, PTSD, revenge. Not my kind of book, though not bad. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q547 literary, not sure what plot actually is, feels too experimental. Not for me. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q546 mystery, 2 cop brothers, secret lover. opening very disjointed. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q545 WF, re: weddings, described as humorous but feels very serious. All characters hv baggage, tone & subject out of sync #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q544 mystery, MC off-kilter cop, voice feels detached. Included credited blurbs from prev bk's rejections. Bad idea. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q543 mystery, Switzerland, felt very gothic. Not my taste. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q542 WF, professional woman trying to get BF to marry her and find happiness & peace. A bit too romance-y for me. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q541 police procedural, too mired in jargon to propel narrative. Starts w/car chase, prob tough to pull off in print. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q540 2 literary novels, intl, a bit too political for my taste, but smart writing. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q539 mystery, MC returns to Southern hometown. Not wowed enough to overcome overused trope. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q538 corporate thriller, comps to Xmas Carol. Doesn't feel fresh enough unfortunately. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q537 WF, comps to Nanny Diaries but in diff work environment. Not bad but not in love with it. MC doesn't leap off page. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q536 quirky mystery, wacky character names, gangs, smuggling. Not quite clicking with me. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Today's #1000queries lesson: if you're going to write a novel w/ a well-worn trope, just do it with more oomph than everyone else.

Literary Agent
Q535 mystery. lawyer called home to settle dad's affairs. I pass on these a lot. But multiPOVs, mom/daughter, great voice, req #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q534 Latina mystery, wanted to like but it's just OK for me. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q533 medical thriller, plot confusing. pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q532 literary, satirical, and partly historical (WWII). just not a good fit for me. Pass. #1000queries

Literary Agent
Q531 psych thriller, India, plot not very exciting alas. Pass. #1000queries