Literary Agent
Q416 a novel so literary I don't understand it. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q414 spy thriller, not for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q413 WF, secret siblings, self-discovery. not that fresh. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q412 mystery in famously wealthy community, writing a bit uneven. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q411 thriller, MC rape survivor, wary of that. didn't quite connect. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q410 literary, haunted athlete. a little too masculine for my tastes. Pass, #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q409 cozy w/travel writer, cool idea, didn't quite love it enough. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q408 fantasy mystery with rodent characters. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q407 WF in 2 periods, man connecting w/woman and then w/daughter. Wanted to like, but writing isn't my taste. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q406 YA, reads like allegory, abused child. I hate allegories, don't want abuse fic. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q405 historical fiction set in 1860s, era doesn't appeal. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q404 WF, mother-daughter drama, self-discovery, Southern-fried. Not quite grabbing me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q403 romance w/a priest. Not a good fit for me. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q402 literary set in WWII era. time period/subject doesn't appeal. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q401 commercial fiction, H'wood angle, but also sex slavery subplot. Nope. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q400 WF, set in Boston and Ireland, a bit too romance-y for me, alas. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q399 political thriller. don't rep them. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q398 WF, couple deciding whether or not to have child. subject matter not for me. pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q397 150k word WF about fertility, subject matter doesn't appeal, far too long. Pass. #1000queries
Literary Agent
Q396 lit fiction about f'ed up guy trying to reconnect w/ex and daughter. Not appealing to me. Pass. #1000queries