We've found 59 results.

Amber Caraveo
Literary Agent
Literary agent & co-founder: @SkylarkLit . Loves sunny days, myths & mysteries, children's books, YA books, all books! (She/her)
65 AskAgent

Also - very interested if anyone has a fun, bouncy ‘spy cats/sloths/cows/othe-fun-animal’ kind of an idea! But funny talking animals please, definitely NOT cute or heart-wrenching animal stories for me! I get too upset! (P.S.I know. I’m a wuss!)

John Rudolph
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @dgandbtweets

For picture book clients, I'm looking for professional artists and illustrators who can write their own texts. Texts should run 500 words or so. Character-driven stories, stories about identity, animals, emotions. Avoid lists, holidays, rhyme. #MSWL

Eddie Schneider
Literary Agent
Lit agent, ultramarathoner, and staircase wit.

I'd love to find a book-length work that (a) explores social learning theory in animals and (b) has practical applications that you can try out with your pup.

Mia just wants to read about bears, but to each their own. #MSWL

Rachel Brooks
Literary Agent
Agent at BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit . Cat mom. She/her. Query form: QueryManager.com/RBrooks
20 AskAgent
114 Tips

Lastly, while I've detailed things I'm particularly keen to see, like pet cozies, that doesn't mean I won't love your cozy hook that has nothing to do with animals. Maybe you have a fun unique hook I haven't thought of that's not overdone. Query it! #MSWL QueryMe.Online/RachelBrooks

Cat Clyne
Editor at Graydon House & HQN, HarperCollins. Book lover, New Yorker, strategic thinker, and ethical vegan with a sense of humor. Opinions are my own. She/her

#MSWL I want this as the base for a romantic suspense series: kick-ass African warrior women who protect animals. Go! plantbasednews.org/post/zimbabwes…

Ali Herring
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, Spencerhill Associates. Twin mom+1 📚 Eclectic in life & books. I 💙 Jane Austen & SFF in equal doses. #TeamSpencerhill Ali-ens 👽 rock!
240 MSWL
1 AskAgent
11 Queries
33 Tips

#MSWL (children's ch books ages 7-9 cont...) Maybe the boy doesn't shrink, the bugs get bigger? Also, MYTHICAL MONSTER series: boys adventuring w/creatures like big foot, Lochness, Yeti, Whatever the angle, commercial concept: stories w/animals, underwater adv, princesses, etc.

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

I'd ❤️ to see strong protags whose animals (#dogs, #horses, and others) are an integral part of their lives. Does that include therapy animals? You bet! #HEA w/ perhaps slightly more mature issues. Maybe this isn't their first rodeo. #MSWL

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips

A gentle #MSWL reminder from Meatball, Director of Special Ops: we'll consider all animals, not just dogs. #memoir, #mystery, #nonfiction

Erik Hane
Literary Agent
Founder and Agent, @HeadwaterLit @printrunpodcast with @lzats tennis writing at thedrawtennis.com he/him
24 AskAgent
9 Queries
15 Tips
Emily Rodmell
Editor at HarperCollins / Harlequin Love Inspired Books. Lives for sunny days & city life. Instagram: NYC_Editor_Life, Facebook: Emily Rodmell, Editor
140 Tips

Would love to see contemporary romances, romantic suspense and historical romance with lots of babies and animals. #MSWL

Gemma Cooper
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Book pusher, runner, Pollyanna, 1st person to ever have a kid (yes, everything he does *is* amazing!) She/her
32 AskAgent
3 Tips

Always looking for animal POV for MG and chapter books - funny or heartwarming or animals going on adventures #MSWL

Rachel Ekstrom Courage
Literary Agent
Book lover and literary agent at Courage Literary. Co-founder of @Littsburgh . Temporarily closed to queries. Updates only.
1 Tips

Platform-driven nonfiction: psychology, nature/animals, parenting, religion (all faiths), serious or comedic essays, pop science. #MSWL

Ariel Fieldman
Literary Assistant
Literary Assistant at Maria Carvainis Agency. Goat whisperer, devourer of words.

#MSWL small town america - with a dark/magical realism twist a la WHEN WE WERE ANIMALS

Annie Bomke
Literary Agent
Literary agent, pizza lover, dance fiend, park enthusiast, and that's just the beginning. There are no limits to what I can do. (She/her.)
151 MSWL
24 AskAgent
42 Queries
25 Tips

Would love a narrative nonfiction book about the internal world of animals or plants, like THE HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES or BEING A DOG. #MSWL

Terrie Wolf
Literary Agent
Agent of the Year 2021 (ACFW) | I rep outstanding authors and projects at @aka_lit . | Film, foreign, media | Girl of the West with her eye on all things global.
24 Tips
Emmanuelle Morgen
Literary Agent
Literary agent @StonesongNYC . On the board of @BikeHudsonCo , @BikeHoboken & @Hoboken_FBW (she/her)
9 Queries
2 Tips

Talking animals, as in Watership Down. Journey stories. #MSWL

Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips
Mary C. Moore
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
110 MSWL
42 AskAgent
222 Tips

Epic fantasy full of strange animals, wild magic, and female protagonists. #MSWL

Jen Linnan
Literary Agent
Linnan Literary Management LLC // still technically a shark // avatar by Zac Gorman

Odd things I like: yarn, metal detectors, caves & crypts, strange animals, chemistry, HS marching bands, detailed lists, and cheese. #MSWL